Forty Six

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"No... Give it back, it's m-mine!" I knew I wasn't going to be happy when it was over... When we have to get back to our current reality... But I hadn't thought that I would feel so very very upset at the feel of Daddy pulling out just before the point of no return knotting wise, and it had shattered me to pieces on the inside not getting to feel him stretch me out and lock us together... I feel deprived of the closeness that comes with him knotting me, and it seems like nothing either of us can do to make my tears stop short of him sliding back inside of me to give me something I never thought I'd find myself begging for...I just want Daddy to knot me and hold me close... But instead, he had been forced to pull out when Colling had given up on calling us since we had been ignoring him and had come to fetch us in person, his knocking loud enough for us not to be able to just ignore it... I just feel like the time passed entirely too quickly, and the loss of intimacy has created a drop like no other.

I know it isn't fair to Silas for me to throw a fit... It's not his fault we have to go, and it's not like I can't see the tears that start to swim in his eyes as he takes a moment to locate the black knotting plug to take his place... I know I need to settle down... But it's hard not to be fussy after flying so high only to have my heaven cut short leaving me lacking the warmth that had built up inside of me having had most of it so thoroughly expressed by Daddy's thorough care of my body... It just feels like it wasn't enough... I don't want us to stop touching each other... Especially right now... And no amount of plugs could ever make up for the feel of Daddy inside of me... Nothing else would ever be good enough or feel entirely right inside of me. I need the feel of him skin to skin... I need to hear the low groan he always lets out when we're finally locked together while his thick heady pleasure-filled scent feels my nose, the warmth of his seed trapped inside of me in the best of ways... I need that right now so much more than I will ever need to know the inner workings of the peace treaties... I still don't see the point of us even being here, the only pack we ever really interact with being that of the pack I had come from, and I don't see us ever really getting into any kind of conflict with how closely our family ties currently run... And even if we did, it would be more of a family issue than a pack one.




It feels wrong not knotting my sweet Princess, especially after making him fly so high... If I had known pulling out would make him come crashing down so hard I wouldn't have pulled out at all, even with Collin threatening to break the door down so that we don't delay the meeting any further than we already have and end up with two very unplanned haircuts because of it... 

"D-Daddy... Daddy, please...", I don't think I have ever seen or felt my sweet Bean drop so hard or so fast, the shaking that always overtakes him in his drops so very different than the heated shivers that had been rolling through his body on our way back here to the room... His tears at the moment ones that make my heart ache to its very core.

"Baby... We can't right now..." And even though I desperately want to slip back inside of him and make us both happy, I know that it would be rough on him being ostracized from his new peers before even getting a chance to know them and feel like he fits in over me losing a few inches of hair over staying in the room any longer than we already have... I know that this is important for his social health, but it's making me worried sick over his physical and emotional health trying to cope with his heat in such a disrupted fashion. 

I hate seeing him cry... I hate feeling like the one who's making him cry... I don't like seeing tears stream down his face for anything other than happy reasons, and this is far from it... I feel like I'm depriving both of us from a very important part of our sexual bonding and it's throwing both of us for such a big loop that neither of us know how to deal with it... All I can do is be patient in getting my Princess to open up his thighs for me, which he does with no hesitation, the black plug slipping s easily into his still dripping hole, my fingers turning the base carefully creating a frustrated moan when he feels it clicks into its most expanded setting...




"I-I-It's not the same!" I feel full, but nearly as filled as I want to be... The plug offers no heat, no feel of Daddy's flesh buried within my flesh... It doesn't come with the feel of him clinging to me, though I know he'll hold me as long as I need him too and then some, "D-Daddy... Daddy, it's not the same...

Daddy wastes no time gathering me up into his arms to hold me and wipe away a few of my tears, the way he rocks us back and forth so soothing as he whispers to me that he knows its not the same... That he's sorry... Giving me sweet promises about how he'll make this up to me though he doesn't have to because I know its not his fault... 

I know he would rather not let me go in order to collect my comfy day undies, a pair of his own sweatpants and one of his t-shirts too, helping me into them and taking the time to knot the string of the borrowed sweatpants as tight as he can to keep them up around my waist... The way his smell clings to the softer than soft material so very comforting, but not as comforting as the feel of his arms as he picks me up so I can cling to him after dressing himself so that we might finally open the door and expose ourselves to Collin's concerned face. 

He doesn't question the way Daddy is babying me, or my still very present tears... He just gives silent support as he escorts us back to the elevator and follows us back to the conference room, holding the door open for us to try and slip in mostly unnoticed... Mostly...

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