Forty Five (18+)

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To say that Daddy feels protective and territorial of me in every way he should be would be an understatement, the stunning way he owns my body making it impossible to even keep my eyes open as he presses me into the mattress so deliciously I cannot help but let the half screamed moans fall out of my mouth drowning out the sound of Daddy's ringtone extremely effectively. 

The feel of his teeth sinking into my shoulder as the warmth of his seed bursts inside of me whips the heat pooling inside of me into a whirlwind that makes me see stars, my own orgasm tearing through me with a vengeance unseen by the likes of the poor bed trapped underneath us.




Watching and feeling my Princess fall apart underneath me is the most intoxicating thing I've ever experienced, the smell of his orgasm as it spills onto the sheets I have him pinned so tightly against, my knees placed so carefully over the tops of his thighs to give me just enough leverage to ensure that not a single drop would be wasted as I let my own release flow so deeply inside of him, my jaw unable to release him at the moment, my growls likely going to cause a buzzing in his ears later. 

I know I need to be careful once my knot starts to try and form... I know that I need to make sure that I don't hurt him... But Dear Gods... The way he's throbbing against me when my tip starts to thicken... It's all I can do to try and hold it back so that I can keep thrusting into him to pull out more and more of those heavenly sounds from his lips and keep myself from stopping until he is absolutely sated... Until both of us are...

It had been a bad idea to even think that the two of us would be able to pull ourselves out of the instinctual draw that is currently situated so strongly between us that neither one of us can even think straight... That a mere phone call could throw off the heat controlling our passion enough for us to collect ourselves and return to what is supposed to be civilized company. 

It feels too good... The way my sweet Princess's hole is so plush and swollen... His flesh practically calling out to me demanding that he be filled and marked and driven to the most extreme heights of his subspace with the harmonious ways our bodies satisfy each other...

I can feel his mind spiraling out, trying so hard to try and cling to some semblance of balance as he soars so high that he nearly blurts out the word yellow... Throwing it mentally instead of verbally, the meaning of the word taking a moment before it dawns on me and I am able to stop my hips from pounding me into his dripping flesh, my jaw being forced to relax in the most unnatural feeling way so that I can release his shoulder and see what's gone wrong and make sure that he's okay. 




Daddy tries to pull out but stops when I clench around his throbbing member in an effort to keep him inside of me, the worry spotting on his face now that I am able to pull myself out of the bed just enough to actually see him the kind that makes my heart melt in ways I can't describe... I hadn't been sure if I should use it, but it had had the desired effect... 

The last orgasm had sent me careening off of a cliff much higher than any that I've jumped from before... I'm not necessarily in a free fall, but it had been so intense having the burst of heat actually jump from my body that the room had been washed white temporarily, my ears having stopped collecting sensory input for just as long, the way he had held on to me afterward keeping my shoulder wedged between his teeth while he continuously pumped himself in and out of me had prolonged the nearly frightening orgasm past the point of being recognizable for me... 

I don't want him to stop... But I need a moment to figure out which way is up and which way is down and I need him to hold me... I want him between my thighs, but also between my arms... I want to be able to cling to him and let my nails dig into the flesh of his back and show him just what it feels like to have an orgasm rock him so thoroughly he forgets his own name... And I want to be the one who reminds him of said name after... 

I don't have to say my needs out loud, I know he hears me in my mind as he tries to figure out what he's done wrong... pressing gentle kisses into my shoulder when he realizes that he hasn't done anything wrong at all... I just need a change of pace... After an orgasm like that, I need my Daddy to be gentle with me, because it feels like I'm absolutely as breakable at the moment as he always seems to think I am... I don't ever want him to stop loving me the way he loves me... Physically or otherwise... But I can tell the change in tempo is not something that he objects to... No...

When he pulls out just long enough to help me roll from my belly to my back I know that he doesn't resent being asked to change the tempo that had left me flying higher than ever before... Instead, he seems to appreciate the chance he's been given to see me shivering and lost to every single sensation that isn't being delivered unto me by his touches... The way he moves me is gentle, missionary not something we normally find ourselves engaging in... But something at the moment that we are both cherishing as tears start to fall from my eyes, my body finally starting the process of cooling down from the way he's taken care of me so far aided by our continued lovemaking... This round slow, and more about loving each other than it is about driving off the hormonal flush that will be ruling my body for the next few days... All we've ever wanted to do is love each other... And even though the world makes it hard sometimes... I know that moments like these when I feel so absolutely close to Silas... No one else could ever bring out these emotions in either of us, and we both know it... 

The way our bodies bond when it's just the two of us... The way he makes me feel cherished and special with every single brush of his lips against mine.. The way he can dominate me with just a single growl in the most sinful way possible... It just makes me love him that much more... 

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