❯ 𝙣 ; 𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚝𝚢

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minho can i speak with you for a moment?
soojin asked as minho got out of hyunjae's office, the younger let out a confused look but he followed soojin into her office.
come to paris with me.
soojin simply said as she held up two red velvet invitation cards with gold lining.

minho's eyes widened and his jaw hung open at what she said.
he asked and soojin smiled.
this is an opportunity minho! you're starting your modeling career in paris! do you know how many models in this company who want to get ahold of this shit?
soojin rolled her eyes, waving the invitation around and minho shook his head still unbelieved.
i-i-i'm not starting yet! i just got back here and paris???? soojin i don't think—

oh yes you can minnie, besides you're with me, and hyunjae-nim will stay with us to help us get settled in the partnering agency there. come on minho, the wedding is next week, do you really want to stay here and mope around crying and heartbroken while hyunjin's getting married and living his life? live your own life too!
soojin said. minho pursed his lips and thought about it, he was unsure, and jeongin will probably like the idea even if they have to be apart. until now, he was thinking of jeongin's sake but soojin was right, maybe this was for the best, and he didn't know if he could handle hyunjin getting married.
do this for yourself minho.
she said sincerely.

minho glanced at the invitation and sighed.
fine. i'll go to paris with you.
soojin beamed up and engulfed him in a hug, she pulled apart and hopped excitedly.
great! we leave the next day!

what the fuck!? THE NEXT DAY!?
minho facepalmed and soojin laughed evily.
can't turn back now, you already agreed to do it. now i'll keep these invitations with the plane tickets because i don't trust you with it and i'll lend you my car to visit jeonginnie to say goodbye. see ya!
soojin ran out the office, still waving the invitation excitedly while minho stood there regretting his life decisions.

changbin asked and minho nodded his head at the three younger ones who gathered in jisung and jeongin's apartment. jeongin stood up from where he sat and placed his hands on minho's shoulders with the brightest grin.
hyung you have to go! this is a great opportunity! you must be excited!
he said and minho looked at him crazy before shaking his head rapidly.
i am not excited! first, i've never been on a plane before and heights scare the fucking shit outta me, two, i won't be coming back for more than a year or two. three, i can't fucking french you expect me to bonjour my way in that city? and four..... well.... you know....

forget about him and move on hyung, and besides, i can handle myself and jisung hyung is with me anyway. it's paris hyung! you're getting a model offer! in paris! stop being such a douchébaguette and have fun!
jeongin kept cheering earning laughs from the other two. changbin looked at minho with an excited smile.
i'm sure jeongin will be fine here minho. you mentioned if ever you decide to settle there you'd take him with you, i'll be in his guidance while you're gone. you don't have to worry about it, it's your turn to make a big change in your life.

and while you're out there, bring me back a hot french boyfriend.
jisung grinned and minho threw a pillow at him.
if you just date changbin then your single problems will probably be solved.
the two blushed and jisung looked at changbin with a fake gag.
no thank you, not my type, i want someone tall—
jisung laughed and ran away from where he sat on the couch before changbin could've hit him with a giant couch pillow.

minho stared at the ceiling that night, he would leave tomorrow, or maybe a few hours from then on because he wasn't aware of the time. they were all telling him to move on, get his life together, that hyunjin also has a life ahead of him too, be happy and all that but it was too much for minho, he couldn't stop the tears and feelings from taking over him, he loved hyunjin too much to do that and all these things happening in a short amount of time overwhelmed him.
minho doesn't believe time would heal all these things at least for now, but leaving was probably the best option for him and everyone else.
i'll be okay.....
he whispered to himself as he closed his eyes, in hoping he will be.

minho wanted to throw up as he sat on the plane seat clearly trembling. the plane started to take off in the sky and he yelped, breathing in and out on his seat while clutching the arm rests.
are you okay minho?
hyunjae asked concerned seeing minho look like he's seeing a ghost in front of him.
no! wh-why would you l-let me sit n-next t-to the w-window?????
he glared at hyunjae and the older stifled a laugh.
i'm sorry, soojin said to let you sit next to the window since it's your first time but i didn't know you have fear of heights.

that sly bitch.
minho yelped again, hyunjae held his hand that was trembling.
do you wanna switch seats?
he asked.
i can't move.
minho said making hyunjae just laugh and intertwine their hands together to help comfort him.
a few hours passed and minho was able to calm down, he glanced to the side hearing hyunjae's little snores as he slept on his shoulder. minho smiled a little to himself, feeling his cheeks flush before brushing away the hair out the older's face, being gentle not to wake him up.

minho turned his attention back on to the window that had the view of the gray clouds, he sighed to himself and leaned his head on the plane wall beside him as he traced his fingers onto the cold glass window, his eyes far away trying to reach someone he can't.
"i guess this is goodbye. i wish for you to live a happy life, and i'll try to live mine as well."

━━━━ 𝚎𝚗𝚍 𝚘𝚏 𝙣𝙖𝙪𝙜𝙝𝙩𝙮 ━━━━

𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 :  𝟷𝟸𝟷𝟷𝟸𝙾
and i oopeth—

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