❯ 𝙣 ; 𝚏𝚒𝚟𝚎

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minho woke up groaning with a terrible migraine, he could barely open his eyes but as he did, he gasped to himself seeing that he was in a different place than what he remembered last night. he didn't want to sit up because the bed was so comfortable so he just turned his head side to side to gawk at how spacious and high class the room was.

someone peaked through the door, a pretty boy with orange fluffy hair and freckles, he had a wooden tray with him with a small box, a plate of food and some water.
oh hi!
he greeted happily as he entered the room and minho stared at him as he put the tray down on the side table and bent to his level.
how are you feeling?
he asked concerned making minho smile a bit.
i-i'm okay i guess, just a terrible headache.
the guy nodded and placed the tray on the bed and minho sat up.

i'm felix by the way, my boyfriend's boss brought you here last night after you passed out. oh! here, eat first, i cooked this myself. you can't drink medicine with an empty stomach.
he smiled brightly again making minho smile back and nod his head. felix looked at minho with sparkling eyes as he took a bite of the food he made. minho's eyes widened and looked at felix with a bright smile.
this is amazing!
he exclaimed and felix let out a breath.
i'm so happy you liked it!

felix left minho alone for a while and he finished up the food and drank the medicine, the water definitely made him feel a little bit better. felix entered the room again with a towel and some clothes.
he dropped this off for you before he left so you can keep them, there's a bathroom over there and i've prepared your bath, call me if you need anything else..... uhh....?
felix rubbed the back of his head embarrassed and minho chuckled.
i'm minho.
he smiled.
okay, call me if you need anything minho, i'll be in the kitchen baking.
felix waved before leaving the room again.

minho walked into the bathroom and his face lit up a little seeing a bathtub, he hasn't been in one before. he stepped in and laid on the warm bubble bath scented like lavender that felix prepared, sighing how relaxing it felt since he hasn't been able to have time to breathe and think for himself. just as then, scenes and images from last night started to flash in his mind, very vividly since he was drunk and realized he was drugged as well. he could remember kissing someone but he wasn't sure who, probably that guy who brought him there.

he finished the bath and dried himself, putting on the luxury clothes given to him making him self conscious a bit. he went to the mirror to brush his teeth and looked at himself who's gotten over from his hangover.
"having a pretty face really does have it's own benefits."
he thought out as he stared at his reflection and smiled to himself.

he glanced to the corner and saw a small tray, a bag of skin care products and makeup with a small note from felix saying it was for him. he decided to use the products and made himself look even better just for today before he placed them all in the bag again. finally, he dried his hair and combed it a bit, leaving it fluffy and slightly messy just how he liked it. he went out the bathroom with the bag and fixed up the room a bit before going out to see felix who was in the kitchen wearing an apron and baking with a happy look on his face.

felix looked up at him after placing a tray in the oven.
oh! minho! you look good!
he complemented and minho chuckled before thanking him.
do you need anything?
felix asked softly and minho fidgeted for a bit.
my contacts got lost and i'm kinda almost blind without them.
he said embarrassed and felix wiped his hands on his apron before going into another room.
i didn't buy extra contacts beforehand but here's my boyfriend's old glasses, he doesn't really use them since he bought new ones so you can keep them.
felix handed him the box and minho smiled genuinely and thanked him.

felix... i-i.... i really feel bad staying here so... i'll just get going so i won't bother you.
minho told him and felix frowned.
you're not bothering me, i get kinda lonely sometimes, but the person who brought you here wants to see you before you leave. they usually get home around nighttime, you don't mind waiting till then right?
he asked and minho thought out for a moment before nodding his head.
do you want me to help you bake?
minho offered and felix smiled brightly at him before giving him an apron.
of course! we'll make the best cookies for sure!


𝙙𝙖𝙩𝙚 𝙥𝙪𝙗𝙡𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙚𝙙 : 𝟷𝙾𝟸𝟼𝟸𝙾

hHhhHH tmi but i want to republish my seunglix books but i have to edit them a lot since they're my first stories


the many months i've spammed that song every week in his vlives and the week i didn't spam he decided to play it 🤡🤡🤡 jkjk ily chris 🤡🤡🤡

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