The Sun has risen once again, meaning it was either another day of misery, or a new day of luck and happiness. You woke up fairly early, double checking the things you've packed the night before. For the first time, after a solid week of dressing in chemises and nightgowns, you donned on a simple day dress with a cropped over coat.

Your aunt and uncle came over just after breakfast time like your mother had promised

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Your aunt and uncle came over just after breakfast time like your mother had promised. They came with gifts to give which was incredibly nice of them. Your mother was given a silk shawl and raw fabric, she was very happy with it, already planning to make you and herself dresses out of the fabric. They gave your father a tweed blazer that was surprisingly perfectly tailored and he was more than satisfied with it.

Your aunt handed you a lovely brimmed hat with velvet brown ribbons and golden trim that seemed to match your outfit perfectly. You planned to wear it on the trip.

“Thank you, auntie and uncle,” you smiled. “It's so kind of you to not only to give us surprise presents but to also allow me to join you so last minute.” you told them gratefully.

“Anything to see my darling niece smile,” said your aunt before turning to your mother. “I shall bring her back in one piece, sister dear.” she joked.

“You better, Isadora, she's the only daughter I have. God knows what I'd do if there were only her brothers.” replied your mother in a dramatic bit lighthearted tone.

“We should get going then.” your uncle announced. He was a tall but lanky man who bore a soft face and a charming smile. He is very sweet and polite, a people pleaser at most. Perhaps that's why they gave presents. He didn't want his in-laws to think badly of him, even though Isadora and him have been married for almost three years.

“Take care, dearest. I will miss you.” your mother told you in a final embrace before you hopped on the carriage.

“I will, mamma. I will.” you smiled.

The horses neighed loudly, and soon the carriage was driven into the pathway away from your home.


Nothing happened for a while, your aunt and uncle were sat across from you and your only mode of entertainment was the grass passing by as the vehicle gains distance.

“Has something happened?” Isadora asked you. Perhaps because you were staring out the carriage way too longingly, way too sadly. She must've sniffed something had gone wrong before she arrived.

You turned to her a little confused. “Hm? Oh, no.” You shook your head passively.

“Are you certain? Your mother did mention that you hid in your room for a week before coming with us.”

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