pt. 35 - Early Departure

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[The art belongs to me!
Today, we discovered that Lee has a really hard time describing what's going on with his mental, and contrary to the show, Lee has actual emotions, and isn't just comic relief!! enjoy :))]

Dinner was going well, to say the least. Kakashi is really good at cooking, and after a little small talk I had learned a few things.

Kakashi went to culinary school and worked as a head chef at some place downtown. But not any restaurant downtown. Before moving to a different restaurant, Kakashi worked at Breakfast Palace. That's where him and Gai met.

Gai was a single father at the time, taking care of Lee while simultaneously working three jobs to support them. Out of those three, Gai said he liked teaching self-defense. That's what he talked about most.

At some point after everyone had finished eating, I started to feel just a little sick to my stomach, and my head started to hurt. Then it was my left eye. I was seeing weird blotchy patterns, and there was a lot of pressure. I didn't say anything at first, because of course, I didn't want to bug anyone.

Then, twenty minutes into the conversation about I can't even remember what, Lee noticed that I hadn't said anything. I really don't want to ruin everything again. I can't let a headache get to me and ruin this.

"You're looking pale, (y/n)," Kakashi pointed out as I held my head. "Are you feeling alright?"

"I'm okay, really. I think it's just a headache. Please, just continue your conver-" My whole body flinched for no reason, then I shivered, "- Don't let me ruin the conversation."

Kakashi continued to stare at me. I kept my eyes on my empty plate. "You look like you're getting a migraine," He said.

"I- what?"

"Yeah. It's normal, but they can be extremely painful if you don't take some pain meds and rest. I can go grab you some Tylenol. After you take that, and it's really not because I want you to leave, you should probably head home and get some sleep."

"Mr. Kakashi, I'm really alright. I don't want to... ruin the night, so-"

"My Lotus, if you are not feeling well, it is okay for us to head out," Lee explained softly, then placed his hand over mine.

"But I keep-" I started, but a sudden pounding in my head started, which interrupted what I was saying for a moment. I lowered my voice, hoping it was quiet enough just for Lee to hear. "I keep being the reason we have to leave places early. I don't want to ruin this."

"You aren't ruining anything, (y/n)," Gai said suddenly. "We can always have you over again when you're feeling well. It's not like we don't like you. You're pleasant company, and we'd be happy to have you back here soon."

"...And is not going to ruin my first impression?"

"This was not a first impression, with as much as these two talk about you. You're really okay to leave, I know how bad migraines can be. Let me go grab some medicine." Kakashi got up and immediately left to the bathroom where I assumed they kept their medicine.

He emerged a minute later with a bottle that was labeled as Tylenol, and gave me it. I downed two, and gave it back to him. Lee helped me to my feet, only to be stopped by Metal.

"Papa! Can I spend the night here?" His question was silently discussed amongst the adults. Lee and I looked at each other with a small nod, and then Lee's gaze cut to Gai and Kakashi, who both nodded, Gai seemingly excited.

"Sure buddy. If you want to."

"I do!"

I laughed slightly at this, before I remembered that my head was still pounding. I winced, which Lee noticed because I was in his arms, leaning on him slightly. 

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