get ready for the a/n extravaganza

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Hey, hey, hey! I am looking at my analytics and oh boy this is not my most popular story. They can't all be winners I suppose!

It's been like 8 months, so sorry about that. That being said, let me reintroduce myself!

My name is 304 (upside down hoe on a calculator)!
my pronouns are they/them. I won't disclose my age but know that I'm old enough.
Before I started writing this story I identified as Asexual. (if you're ace and you're seeing this, I adore you, you bad bitch.) But a few months ago, I came off my birth control pill because it wasn't helping my incredibly painful and long periods. instead, i opted for the Depo shot. TURNS OUT the pill was way suppressing my drive so once I was off it was a MESS of hormones I hadn't experienced since I was 12.
I now identify as Pansexual, but still more obsessed with romance than anything. That being said, now that I am older and fuckin horny, I'll be adding smut on occasion.

My Lee hyper fixation ended about a year ago. nothing happened, just got bored as one with ADHD does :).

I want to plan the rest of the story over the next few days, and complete it by the end of august so I don't think about this anymore lol.

the overall looks something like this

-start new job
-confront your sibling about their opposition to your wedding
-someone has doubts and gets scared
-y/n finds some medical things wrong with them
-is there a wedding?
-ending being bitter sweet. sorry if i make you cry (not really)

yours truly, 304 <3

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