pt. 20 - With Everything I Am

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[the drawing are from a page in my sketchbook called "Sunday batch of Lee" and I think that is revolutionary, because even though they're just... Messy and uhh... Bad... It's still a page of Lee.]

I woke up the next morning, and Lee wasn't with me. Instead, Metal was laying there next to me, still fast asleep. I chuckled to myself, figuring Lee was fine, and grabbed Metal to pull him closer to me. He stirred for a moment, getting comfortable by putting his face on my shoulder.

I closed my eyes and accepted the fact that I make a pretty alright pillow, and stroked the hair on the back of his head, massaging his scalp, until once again, I fell asleep.

[Lee's POV]

I let my love stay in bed after last night, knowing she was probably still at least somewhat tired. Metal had climbed in with us later in the night, so I left him in there too.

"Ah, Lee, good morning!" (M/n) greeted. "Did you sleep well?"

"I..." I glanced over at her dad for a moment. "I slept great," I said with a small smile. "(Y/n) was still tired, I thought I would let her rest for a while longer."

"I'm glad you're up. (F/n) has something to say to you."

I turned to him, and watched as his cheeks gained a tinge of red.

"...I... Know... Last night was... Weird for you but... That's not the... worst she's been. She used to wake up screaming in the middle of the night. But you... You just being there in the same room.... I think... It might have helped... A lot," he admitted, taking a drink from his mug. I sat at the table, the seat across from him. "I was wondering... Did... Did something happen? Between when she moved out, and now? We've talked maybe three times, so I'm not sure what's been going on with her."

I looked at her mom, not sure if he knew. "You can tell him. I didn't, so go ahead."

"Tell me what?"

"About a month ago, Sasuke tracked her phone to her address. He showed up at her doorstep and forced his way in. She called me, and I came in as fast as I could. I know I could have handled things differently, but, I... For lack of a better word, I uhh... Attacked him after seeing how shaken (y/n) was. I did not even know anything about him at the time. I just saw... And felt the need to protect her," I explained, looking down at my fingers. "I did not let him go until he... Begged to be, and (y/n) said to," the room fell stale until I could find the next right words. "The thought of her ever getting hurt or losing her scares me."

"Me too, Lee," he chuckled and shook his head. "You... Saved her, didn't you?"

"I guess you could say that."

"Don't be so modest, that's my daughter you protected."

"I am glad I could be of any help at all, really. I guess working out has its own perks," I chuckled, and flexed my arms as a joke. (F/n) laughed a bit before he stood up and stretched.

"I think I'm going to go wake everyone up now," he yawned and started down the stairs to where her other siblings were asleep.

A moment of silence later, her mom spoke. "He likes you, Lee," she said while putting a pot of coffee on.

"I hope so."

"I know he does. Anyway, do you want something to eat?"

"Not until (y/n) gets up," I said, pulling my phone from my pants pocket. I was still wearing my pajamas, seeing as it was still early.

Text from: Dad

How's the trip going?

I believe it is going
well.  I think I got her
dad to like me.

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