
Mulai dari awal

" Hey Bren. I'm sorry about the whole Matt situation. What are ya gonna say to him?" Sage asks.

" Not sure. I know I gotta explain the whole my dad and his uncle thing and my dad is worried about our safety. But I have no idea what I'm going to actually say." Brendon says.

" God, this is so upsetting! You finally get a boy who likes you and you have to stop seeing him because of your dad!" Sage says. Drew lets out a chuckle.

" You're breaking up with Matt because of dad? That's a pretty stupid reason to stop talking to Matt." Drew says.

" No, DJ, you don't understand. Dad is worried for our safety. Matt's uncle is not a nice dude." Brendon says.

" I figured when I first met him. But to stop talking to Matt because of his uncle is dumb." Drew says.

" DJ, Matt's uncle sexually abused dad. He doesn't want us near that creep because he doesn't want me or even you to interact. He knows where we live and dad is worried about all of our safety's." Brendon says. Drew stays quiet. Okay, then breaking up with Matt is a good reason.

Sage notices Drew quiet down, " You okay, hun?"

" I knew his uncle was bad and I knew him from somewhere. God, I'm so dumb." Drew says," Brendon, I'm sorry."

" It'll be okay. Now that his uncle knows where we live though, we have to be careful at home." Brendon says.

" I'd do anything for dad." Drew says. He pulls into the school parking lot. He parks the car and stops it. The three get out and walk into the school. They walk to their normal table and sit down.

" Are you ready for this Bren?" Sage asks.

" No, but I have to do it." Brendon says. He lets out a sigh. He can do this.

Matt walks up to the table and sits down next to Brendon.

" Hey Brendon. How are you today?" Matt says. Brendon lets out another sigh and runs his hand through his hair. He looks at Matt.

" Not good. Can we please talk in private?" Brendon asks. Matt gives him a weird look.

" Yeah, of course." Matt says. The two stand up. Sage and Drew give Brendon a thumbs up. Brendon guides Matt away from the crowded hallway and to a hallway that wasn't so crowded. They faced each other, but didn't say anything.

" So, what's wrong?" Matt asks after a couple minutes of silence.

" So, I have a problem." Brendon says.

" What is it? I'm sure I can help." Matt says.

Brendon shakes his head," I don't think you can. Uh, I have to stop seeing you."

Matt's mouth drops a little bit. He then shakes his head.

" What do you mean?" Matt asks.

" Um, ever since my dad learned about your uncle, he's worried about me and my safety. My dad doesn't want me to go to your house and he doesn't want you to come over anymore." Brendon explains.

" So your dad is telling you to break up with me? Are you serious Brendon?" Matt says, almost on the verge of yelling. Brendon could feel himself shrinking down.

" My dad was sexually abused by your uncle and he doesn't think it's safe for me to be near you. He's nervous that your uncle will do something to me." Brendon says.

" Okay so my uncle is a little weird. But he knows not to touch you and I made sure of it." Matt says.

" Matt, you shouldn't have to worry about him touching me, he's not a good man. And besides, now that he knows where we live, my dad is worried he might come to my house. He's just worried about my family's safety." Brendon says. Matt lets out an angry sigh. He then lets out a deep breath.

" I wish my parents never fucking took him in. Wait, so, if my uncle Jace were to leave, would you still be able to be with me?" Matt says.

" Uh, I don't know. I just know as long as your uncle is around I can't be with you." Brendon says.

" What if we hung out in public like school or something? My uncle Jace isn't here at school." Matt suggests. A smile forms on Brendon's face.

" I don't see a problem with that." Brendon says. Matt quickly kisses Brendon's lips. Brendon continues to smile in the kiss.

" Good because I've been wanting to kiss you this whole time." Matt says. The first bell of the day goes off. The two look at each other.

" Have a good day at school." Brendon says.

" You too." Matt says. They walk their different directions to their class. Brendon walks into his class and sits down in his seat. He let out a relieved sigh.

That talk could have gotten a lot worse. But Brendon is glad it was over.


Whoops, idk what to say. I can promise any updates soon because of just so I've been for the last couple months. That, and I have finals next week so who knows.

I hope everyone has had a good semester and I hope everyone is well during this pandemic.

If you have any comments feel free to message me or comment.

Thank you all so much for reading. I love you all.


Harmonize | niam au sequel |Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang