Chap 2 🛑

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Isabella's POV

I ran for about 2 minutes before I had to stop and hold my breath. I'm not athletic okay, don't judge me. Thankfully Lynns house wasn't that far away from mine. Hopefully I could stay there till I find a place of my own.

I should probably introduce myself to you. You already know my name. I'm 23, I still, well used to live with my mother. I was sent here by DCF after my father abandoned me when I was 7. I have his brown hair and my mother's blue eyes. I'm short around 5' 2" but I can pack a punch if I need to. Coffee is my life source when I'm big, when I'm little it's has to be apple juice. No exceptions. My favorite color is green and my favorite movie, big or little, is Frozen II.

As I walk up to her door I am beyond scared, what if she doesn't want me here I'll be homeless! I ring the doorbell and wait. I hear her come to the door and then she opens it.

"Oh, hey Izzy." She said in a disappointed tone.

"Hey Lynn, I hate to do this but mom kicked me out and I have no where else to go, can I stay with you till I get my own place?" I asked, almost crying again.

"Oh Isabella. You know I don't like anything related to kids, and I've only known you for a couple months. My sister is actually moving in in a couple days. I don't have the room, I'm sorry." I knew she was lying, I could see it in her grey eyes. She had this sick sort of happy look underneath the fake pity. Wow some friend she is. With nowhere left to go I went to the only place I feel safe. The park. I sit on the bench and cry for the 3rd time in the past 24 hours.


I heard a crack in the ground and my body shot up. I must of fell asleep.

"Hello?" I say in a scared, groggy tone, fighting my little self not to slip. I look and see a strong but skinny man towering over the bench.

"My my, what a pretty lady. And I have her all to my self." He purred in my ear. He grabbed my arm roughly, I can feel the bruise forming under my long sleeve shirt. I swing around and sock him in the nose. He hisses, but doesn't let go. He takes my other arm and gets to still me.

"Help me please, someo-" was all I said before he covered my mouth with his filthy hand.

"One more word and your dead little lady. He puts his hand down to my throat and starts to squeeze. I start writhing, trying to get some air in my lungs and just as I was about to pass out he was ripped off me. I looked up at my savior and he is the most handsome man I have ever seen in my 23 years of life. Golden brown hair, dark green eyes, about a foot taller that me. And he has the most amazing smile I found out. He smiles sweetly at me before his face turns to stone. He turns the guy over and straddles over him bending down to get in his face as he grabbed the collar in his fists.

"That is no way to treat a woman, especially one so beautiful as this one." He punches him in the jaw, making blood come out of his mouth. I watch horrified, but in awe of the stranger who saved me.

"Now apologize before I run you over with my truck." I hadn't noticed the HUGE vehicle next to us.

"So- sor- sorry." Was all we got before he passed out. He dropped him, letting his head hit the pavement.

"Are you okay little one?" He asked looking into my eyes. That was all it took for me to slip. I didn't care.

"Yeah, buts I cants go home." I sniffled, starting to cry, again.

"Why not?" He asked softly. Pulling me into a hug, I gripped his shirt.

"I has none. I gots kicked out because I little." I sobbed.

"Oh my sweet girl. It's gonna be okay, you can live with me for now okay? Just temporary." He was trying not to freak me out. I was just glad he offered.

"Otey, I go wif yous." He picked me up and I let out a little squeel. He put me in his car and began driving, I was out like a light.

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