Chap 18

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Bella POV---the next day at the office---

"You know Daddy, I've been thinking." He looks down at me and I sit up, straddling him.

"About what baby?" He messaged my legs.

"I almost never sleep in my room unless it's for a punishment. So I was wondering..." He arched a brow.

"What if I move into your room? That way we don't have to go back and forth for clo-" I was interupted by a passionate kiss.

"I would love nothing more baby. But your still using that to for punishments and toy room okay?" I nodded and kisses him again. He began kissing my neck when a knock interupted. We both groaned. I slid off him to the couch and he opened the door.

"What! Oh sorry Jack." I laughed cause I knew what he was mad about.

" There's a man here, says he needs to talk to you." He was very serious.

"Hmm I don't have any appointments today. Name?"

"Thomas Kinney." I gasped.

"No! No no no no....... No! You can't let him up here! What are you doing get him out of the building. GO!" He left and shut the door Daddy came and hugged me tight, I hadn't realized I was shaking, I grabbed his shirt for dear life. He waited for me to calm down. Kissing my hair and rubbing my back.

"What's wrong baby, why'd you flip out like that?" He asked calmly.

"You've seen the scars on my stomach right?" He pulled me away and looked at my face.

"No, what scars baby?" I take me hand from his shirt and turned on the light and lifted up my shirt. I pointed them out, they were very small but still there.

"They're from him, he would yell and throw plates at me or something else. He's my father, that's how he dysaplined me and Li-Li." I sniffled again. He knelt down and kissed every one of the scars I had pointed out and even some I hadn't.

"It's okay baby, I won't let him touch you ever again." He promised.

"I know Daddy, but he still terrifies me." I look up at him and he gives me a look filled with love. He tucked my shirt back in and kissed my forehead, lips, and my nose.

"I love you Bella, and I will protect you with my life if it ever comes to it. Don't forget that."

"I love you to Chris, and I won't forget because I'll do the same thing." He put his forehead against mine and gave me Eskimo kisses. We stayed like that till someone cleared there throat. I glared at them but it was just Li-Li. I let go of Daddy and pulled Liam in.

"I heard what happened Bella-bear, and I'm sorry I wasn't here. I knew he was worse on you then me. I'm sorry I wasn't here to protect you." I sighed and looked at him.

"It's okay Li-Li, I have Daddy now, and a body guard. It not your fault you couldn't have known." He nodded. He stayed and the three of us just talked about our past's.

"My parents died when I was 18. They have always had bad luck. That's why I'm an only child they tried for years untill they finally got me, the miracle child. They were walking home from dinner one night and accidentally walked into a drug deal. They thought they were under cover cops and shot both if them, right through the heart. They died on the way to the hospital." Oh my God. I could see the tears in his eyes. I climbed into his lap and wrapped my self around him.

"It's okay Daddy, let it all out." I whispered and I felt his body shake and his grip tighten. I rubbed his back and swept my hand through his hair. His tears stained my shirt and I whispered sweet nothings in his ear, and that seemed to help.

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