Chap 11

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Bella POV

Daddy's shift just ended at the hotel and I got the most brilliant idea.

"Daddy, I habe da bestest idea eber!" He laughed.

"What is it baby?" He asked smiling.

"What if, I gots a job here! Wif you and Li-Li, I wouldn't have to miss you from home."

"I don't know baby, there's some messed up people that come in sometimes, I wouldn't want you to deal with that." He sighed.

"I could be your personal assistant. Bwing you coffee, and wunch and pwan stuff, pweeeeease Daddy?" I begged. He sighed.

"I'll think about it okay baby? It's not a no, but it's not a yes either okay?" I was so happy! I jumped on him. I kissed all over his face. Saving the lips for last.

"Tank you, tank you, tank you!" He laughed.

"Your welcome baby, but stop jumping around okay? Just because your not hurting now doesn't mean you won't hurt later." I nodded and clung to him like a koala.

---1 hour later---

I feel asleep on the way home but I am being woke up by so much pain.

"Daddy!!" He came running to find me in a ball on the bed, clutching my stomach.

"Oh baby hold on." He came back with my midol and my heating pad and my favorite ice cream, which I didn't even know we had! He manoeuvered me so I was laying on my back. He put my heating pad on the highest level, gave my midol and put the ice cream on my night stand. I whined. He kissed my nose and my forehead.

"I know baby. How much longer?" I do this know.

"How many days has it been?" I asked with my eyes closed.

"4 I think." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Tomorrow is the last of it. It's always the worst." I whine again. He kissed my nose again.

"Well your in luck. It's Friday, so I don't have to go in. We can do whatever you need tomorrow baby." He smiles down at me.

"Even if it's just laying around all day, watching Disney and eating this specific kind of ice cream?" He gave me a certain look.

"Are you kidding baby? Those are the best kind of days! Lounging around with the girl I love, pigging out on ice cream? What could be better than that?" He asked, climbing in bed, proving his point and kissing my cheek after cuddling close.

"Well, I can think of one thing. But that has to wait till Sunday." I gave him 'the look'. He gasped.

"Oh that reminds me, I have a question, and it won't effect us in anyway, but you need to be honest okay." I nodded. "Are you a virgin baby?" I nodded again, blushing.

"Don't be embarrassed, it's perfectly fine. We should probably wait till Monday to do the dirty though, you'll be incredibly sore after." He suggests.

"I dont care how sore I'll be. I want you, all of you. I decided that the day I told you I loved you." He looks at me in awe. He laughed.

"Alright but let's see what you have to say on Monday, when I take you to work with me." He's so smug, I laugh and kiss his shoulder, the only place I can reach without moving.

"I cancelled your appointment with the doctor by the way, I rescheduled it to Tuesday. I didn't want you to go out and move a lot when you were hurting so bad." I smiled up at him.

"You are the best Daddy in the universe." He laughed.

"I try baby, I try."


Sorry for the wait 😬 my phone got turned off but I have WiFi right now so enjoy the big update 😁

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