Chap 22

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Chris POV ---1 week later---

This week has been absolutely hell. I haven't been able to sleep, there's a gigantic hole in my chest that aches everytime I pass our room. I haven't even been in there. It's just to painful. In fact I couldn't even go in the house. I've been staying at Liams.

"A body has been found in an ally way close to The Night Inn." The t.v. announced. I ran as fast as I could to the machine.

"The body was identified as a male, Mitchell White. Shot 3 times in the chest and once in the head. Police say it could be related to the kidnapping of 23 year old, Isabella Parker. She was last seen 1 week ago at The Night Inn. If you have any information about the 2 people on the screen, or the case, please do not hesitate to call the number on the bottom of the screen." I let out a sigh of relief, it wasn't her. Thank God it wasn't her. About 10 minutes pass before my phone rings.

"Christian speaking." I answer.

"You need to come down to the station, we got a fresh tip and he's sitting right in front of me. And bring the brother." He hung up before I could ask questions. It was only 11, Liam wasn't even up yet.

"Liam! Get your ass up! They got a fresh lead at the station and need us there!" He shot up and we got ready in record time and was at the station in 10 minutes. We walked in and Cheif Anderson showed us to the room.

"Name's Thomas Kinney, says he's the girls father."

"Yes, that's right, can I talk to him first?" The chief nods and they walk in together. I listen and watch through the one way glass. They both sit down and Thomas's eyes widened.

"So Father," he spit the name out like it was venom. " Tell me us what you now about it. And don't you dare fucking lie or I'll kick your teeth in." He clentched his hands into fist.

"Watch your tone boy, remember who your talking to." I scoffed.

"You're the one to talk. Just spill." I sighed.

"I saw him, the Jack fellow, carrying her. I followed them, they went to this abandoned building all the way across town. It was called something along the lines of Resato, pescato, something like that."

"Did you see any body else? Any one at all?" Cheif asked.

"Yes, young woman about 5' blonde, young probably 20. She had a sleeve of tattoos. She was carrying a pistol. I couldn't identify it with the distance between us." He finished shakily. I ran in with my phone and stood between the two men. With a picture of Lynn on my phone I held it up.

"Is this her? Is this the one you were talking about?" He looked and nodded.

"Cheif, you have your prime suspect." I showed him the picture. "Lynn Weston. Former friend of Bellas. They haven't talked in a while. They fell out after Lynn found out about her, well you know, secret." He nodded and wrote it down.

"How do we know your not lying sir?" Cheif asked Thomas.

"Are you implying that I would lie when my precious daughter is being held against her will! I love her! I would never." Liam shit up and pounded the table.

"Says the bastard that used to throw PLATES at his children! That is absolute BULLSHIT coming out of your mouth!! You ABANDONED her and you dare say you LOVE her?! You sick fuck!! And you didn't think to TELL US SOONER!!!" The cheif dragged him out and calmed him down. He came back in alone. I left and saw Liam on the floor crying. I went over and gave him an awkward side hug, which made him laugh.

"It's going to be okay Liam, there closer know than ever to finding her." I rubbed his back.

"I know Chris, that's only part of it. Seeing him again... It brought me back to then. And with her being whever getting God knows what done to her, I'm not able to protect her this time. I used to protect her, that why my scars are so much worse than hers." I sighed.

"I wish I could protect her to Li. she's my soulmate. I can't live without her."

"I hate to break this up but the team and I need to talk with you to." We nod and clean our selves up. He walks us to the interigation room.

"How are you to at handling a fire arm?" He asked, we looked at each other, confused.

"Very well, we were trained by a former soldier. Why do you ask?" He looked back at the team.

"Well, based on the scene I just witnessed, your outburst in this very room, and your self involvement of this case. We want you on the rescue mission."

"Yes." We say together immediately.

"This could get extremely dangerous. You could lose a limb, or worse your life." He stated seriously.

"With all do respect Cheif, I don't give a shit. I would die 100 times over if it meant she would live. I love that girl with every cell in my body and if she dies, I will to." I state strongly. He nodded and we started on the rescue plan for my baby, my soulmate.

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