Chap 7

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Chris POV

She called me Daddy, oh my God she really did it. Dont get me wrong, Chrisy was adorable, but Daddy is 100 times better. I have to talk with big Bella tomorrow about this but for know I'll take what I can get, call me greedy but I don't care.

---The next morning---

"Wake up sweet girl it's time to eat, it's your favorite." She opened her eyes immediately.

"Choccy Chip Pancakes?" She asked.

"And coffee, for Big Bella, I need to have a talk with her." I smiled, and she made grabby hands. She was going to kill me with her cuteness. I booped her tiny button nose and her eyes went cross-eyed looking at my finger, we both laughed. I took her downstairs and fed her her breakfast.

"Bery nummy Daddy!" My heart flutters every time I hear her say that, and I love it.

"Thank you sweet girl, but I need you to age up for me Bella." She looked up and nodded.

"You called me Daddy 3 times Bella, I just wanted to know, are you accepting us, me?" She looked down and laughed.

"Christian Night, I have never had a person who takes care of me the way you do, make me laugh the way you do, who lets me cry and ruin your shirts." We laughed. "Of course I'm accepting us. I know it's only been a couple of days but I don't care, I want you to be my official boyfriend and my official Daddy." She looked me in the eyes and her pupils dialated. I ran around the table and picked her up, spinning her around. I put her down and leaned in slowly, I kissed her, and it was amazing. Nothing like other kisses I've had, this one held more meaning, more feeling, more..... Love. When I pulled away we were both out of breath.

"Wow...." She said softly.

"I accept your offer with great pleasure. But we are going to have to add to the rules." We both laughed. She nodded and sat back down.

"New Rules:

7.Always call Daddy Daddy, unless we're in a public setting.
8. Always tell Daddy what's wrong, he can't help if he doesn't know.
9. Always ask permission to cum
10. Don't touch your princess parts, unless told by Daddy
11. Never hide your body from Daddy.
12. Always let Daddy dress, bathe, and do your hair for you.

New punishments:
6. No Cuming
7. No playtime
8. Bare ass spanking

New rewards:
4. More Cuming
5. Extra Playtime

"That sound good Baby?" She blushed at all the sexual things but she nodded.

"Okay, I also called the doctor and you have an appointment tomorrow at 2. And one more thing before you slip back, you need to come with me." I take her hand and led her to our 'play room'. I open the door and she gasped. I told her to look around and point to things she didn't like. Which ended up being whips, butt plugs, hand cuffs, and ball gags. I put them all in a box and hid it on the very top shelf of my closet. We walked out and I locked the room up.

"Ok, you can slip now Bells." Her eyes lit up with child like joy, almost immediately. I took her hand and led her to my office.

"Wats dis pwace Daddy?" She asked looking around.

"This is my office baby. Let me do your hair and you can go play okay?" She nodded and sat in my office chair. I put her hair in 2 cute little pig tails. She ran of to the mat and toys I set up for her. I could tell I was going to enjoy life with that ball of sunshine.

---2 hours later---
My door bell rang and I brought up the camera on my tablet. It was Liam.

"Head on up, were in my office. Listen up baby." She turned right around, such a good girl.

"My best friend Liam is coming up in a few minutes okay? But don't worry, he's nice, you don't have to be big around him okay?" She smiled.

"Otey Daddy." She went back to playing with her toys. I heard a knock a couple minutes later.

"Come in." Bella turned around at the same time and they looked at each other star struck. Her binkie fell out of her mouth and she stood up.


I have a feeling they know each other.

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