Chap 34

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Bella POV

"Daddy! I'm back!" I said as I slipped through the door. My dress was a day early. My stomach was a little bigger, not much, not noticable to anyone else. He ran from the living room and gave me a big hug and kiss. He doesn't like me leaving the house alone. He begged to come with me but I didn't want him to see my dress, I had to try it on again, and there was no way he would see me in it.

"Javier, take this and put it in my closet please, be careful, that's the most important piece of clothing in the house." He nodded and took it upstairs. Daddy picked me up and placed me on his hip.

"What do you want to do today baby?" He asked kissing my nose.

"Let's go cake tasting, it's the only thing left on the wedding list." He nodded and grabbed his phone.

"Hey Ben it's Christian. My fiancee wants to go cake tasting, you got time for us? Alright, be there in 10." He grabbed his keys, he grabbed my hand and he drove us to The Sweet Treat Christian's favorite place other than home. Who I assume is Ben walked right up to us.

"Yo Chris, long time no see." They laughed, Daddy kept one hand on my waist and used the other to shake his hand.

"It's been a week Ben." He rolled his eyes.

"Who do you have here?" Ben asked looking at me.

"This beautiful girl is my fiancee, Bella."

"Hello." I said quietly.

"Your a lucky man Christian Night."

"That I am." He smiled down at my and kissed my forehead. Ben led us to a table that had five different cakes on it. He let us be.

"Let's try this one." I picked up my fork and took a bite of the white one with white filling, coconut!! I rolled my eyes at the taste, I looked at Daddy and he was laughing.

"Your not trying it? It's really good."

"I know baby, I've had almost every cake in this building. Except for that one." He pointed to the tan colored one.

"Let's try it then." He took a fork Fu as did I and we ate it. I swallowed and my throat felt scratchy, and my tongue felt like it was swelling up. I reached up to my throat and scratched it, but it didn't help.

"Bella?" My breath started to get shorter, I held on to the table and started to cough. Shit! The baby! What am I supposed to do?

"Fuck! Ben call 911!" 2 minutes later I heard sirens. Daddy picked me up and ran outside setting my on a bed and getting in the vehicle.

"What happened?" One person asked and Daddy answered.

"We were trying a piece of cake, and she grabbed her throat and started breathing funny, and then she started coughing."

"Allergic reaction, get a mask on her, her O2 is dropping." The other said. I moved my hand around and Daddy took it, holding it against his forehead.

"Everything s going to be fine baby, your going to be okay." He took one hand out and called someone.

"What the hell was in that cake Ben!" He yelled into the phone. I took the opportunity. I waved one of the EMTs forward and took off the mask.

"I'm 4 weeks pregnant, don't tell my fiancee please." He pulled back and nodded.

"Your in the right hands miss, nothing will happen to you." he bent down and whispered "or your baby." I smiled and he smiled back. I put the mask back on.

"Toffee, that's what was in the cake." The EMT nodded.

"Miss I'm going to stick this in your leg, I'm not going to lie, it's gonna hurt, but not for long." My eyes widened and went from my stomach back to him. He shook his head. Thank God it wouldn't harm it. I nodded and he plunged the pen into my leg. I screamed in pain.

"What the hell?" Daddy yelled. I squeezed his hand. He seemed to calm down. We got to the hospital and wheeled me to the ER. My breathing went back to normal and so did my tongue, but my throat still felt scratchy.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Till, it seems you've had an allergic reaction to.... toffee." I nodded.

"Sit up for me and pull up your shirt to your shoulders please." I did as told. I felt something cold and jumped.

"Sorry, just the stethoscope. Take some deep breaths for me." I took them.

"What caused that scar?" He asked curiously.

"A bullet." I answered honestly, taking out my necklace with said bullet on it that I always wore.

"Oh, sorry for intruding."

"It's okay. It made me appreciate the little things." I said looking into my Daddy's eyes.

"Your lungs sound great, how does your mouth feel?"

"My tongue feels fine, but my throat is still scratchy." He took his pen light and turned in on.

"Open." I did.

"Looks a little red, but nothing to worry about. Drink plenty of water and take these if it gets worse. It's perfectly safe." He winked, and I knew he was talking about the baby.

"Will do doc."

"Just check out and your free to go." Me nodded and left.

"Do you want to go home baby?" He still looked worried.

"Yeah, besides I really liked the coconut one, can we have that for our cake?" He laughed.

"Even after a health crisis, you still think about food. Sure baby, we can have that one." He got up and kissed me and helped me out of bed.

Food is the 3rd love of my life, after you and our baby.

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