Extra: Gender Reveal

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Bella Pov

I wonder what it's going to be. Daddy is convinced it's going to be a girl but I'm not sure. I have no clue and I kinda like not knowing. Me and Daddy are on our way to my 20 week sonogram and the doctor is going to call Javier and tell him what were having, then he's getting confetti poppers with the right color. Daddy turned off the car and grabbed my hand.

"You still think it's a girl don't you?" He nodded and we laughed.

"What do you want it to be baby?" He asked as we walked hand in hand into the building.

"I don't care as long as it's healthy. I just can't wait to stop calling our baby an it." He chuckled.

"Me to Bells." We waited for about five minutes.

"Isabella Night." I'll never get sick of hearing that. Daddy helped me up and we walked back to the room. I sat down and pulled up my shirt.

"How are mama and baby doing today?" The technician asked.

"Baby's good, moving around. I'm excited to find out what it is. Oh Chris give her Javier's number." He growled.

"Please." I smiled. He took the paper out and gave it to her.

"Let's see what's going on in there." She smiled and squirted the gel on my baby bump. The screen lit up and our baby was on full veiw. The heart beat played and my eyes teared up just like every other time. He reached up and rubbed my cheek with his thumb as he kept his eyes on the screen.

"You want to see their face, we have new tech." I looked over at her..

"Yes please." I said in an excited voice.

"Look at the screen over there."she clicked a few buttons and the babies face showed up. We both gasped.

"It has your chin." I told him.

"It has your cute little nose." He said and I was full blown crying..

"It's just so surreal. I'm okay now." I said as I calmed down.

"Well, I'm going to check the gender so you guys can close your eyes." We did for a couple mintues.

"Alright, you can clean up. I'll be right in with your pictures after I call your friend." We nodded and she smiled and left.

"You know there's other ways of punishing you besides spanking." He said helping me up. His Daddy voice was a constant little trigger.

"Don't use your Daddy voice please, not here. I don't want to slip." I pleaded.

"Then use your manners."

"Sorry Daddy, Im just excited." He sighed.

"It's okay baby, I am to." He kissed me and we waited for her.

"Congratulations you 2 I'll see you next week." She handed us our pictures and walked us out. We got in the car and drove home. No one was there, must be buying the poppers. Sure enough 5 minutes later 3 people walk through the the door.

"Okay let's settle this straight. Nat, what do you think it is?"





"Boy. Daddy's team girl."

"Okay. I think girl, 3 to 1 let's see." He hands me one popper and Daddy the other. Me and Daddy turned so we were facing each other.

"3... 2... 1... Pop!" Liam yelled. We twisted and blue confetti blue blew out the top. We all yelled and Daddy enveloped me in a tight hug. I laughed as he kissed my face all over.

"You were wrong Daddy." I yelled over my giggles.

"I'm never going to hear the end of this am I?" He said into my neck.

"Nope." I giggled again.

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