Extra: The Birth

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Bella POV

We were watching Frozen II? I felt a pain in my stomach. I hissed.

"Baby?" He looked panic.

"I think that was a contraction."

"Like a real one, like he's coming now contraction?" I nodded my head and hissed again as another washed over me, I felt a liquid run down my legs. I looked up and he looked pale as a ghost.

"Get the hospital bag " he nodded and ran up to our room.

"Javier?" I yelled can came walking in.

"Call Liam and Natalie, it's happening." He smiled and ran to the nearest phone. Daddy came back and helped me in the car. My contractions were getting stronger

"Lord give me strength to push this child out of me. Christian. DRIVE. FASTER." I wanted out and he stepped on it. We got to the hospital.

"Help, my wife's in labor!" We got a wheelchair and they wheeled me to a private room.

"Fuck! Why did you do this to me Christian!" The nurse laughed and I held firmly onto the chair. They got me on a bed and a doctor came in.

"Bella! Nice to see you again." It was Dr. Toll. I hummed in agreement.

"Let's see how dialated you are, get your legs up on the stirrups." I moved and did as told. I felt his hand up and in there.

"Your 5 cm, now would be the best time for the epidural."

"All do respect, give me the fucking drug!" I practically yell, out of breath. He laughed.

"Yes ma'am." He left and came back with the biggest needle I have ever seen. Daddy helped me sit up and sat infront of me

"It'll be okay baby, it'll help the pain go away." He rubbedy stomach as the needle went in my back.

"It'll take a while, but it should kick in before you start pushing, I'll come back in an hour." He smiled and left. A few minutes later another came and the medicine hadn't kicked in. I reached out and grabbed Daddy's hand as he rubbed my belly. I just about broke his hand from squeezing it. It stopped and I let out a long breath.

"Your doing amazing Bells, you are so strong. Just think, a couple hours and he'll be here, you finally get to meet him." He kissed my hair line.

"You did this to me." He laughed and nodded.

"I know baby, I know."

"Can you get me my blanket please?" I was starting to shiver.

"But it's the middle of August?"

"Get. The. Blanket." I gave him the meanest look I could confirm and he ran to the bag.


"It's time Bella, chin to chest, hold your breath and count to ten, you ready?" I nodded, I just wanted him out. Daddy took my leg and held it up as he also held the back of my head.

"Ok, and... Push!" I bared down and pushed as hard as I could. I got to ten and released my breath. A few minutes past of me catching my breath.

"Ready? Push!" I did again.

"Your crowning! Next push his head will be out." I let out a sigh of relief.

"Okay big push from mama, big push." I bared down hard.

"Hold on, stop pushing."

"Why, what wrong with my baby?" Whyyyyy? Is he okay?

"His cords wrapped around his neck. Jules help me out here." About 5 minutes later he said...

"Okay, were good, he's fine, keep pushing mama." I let out a worried sigh and bared down again.

"Wow, I wish you could see this Bella, it looks so cool!" I gave him a 'what the fuck?' look.

"Sorry." He kissed my sweaty forehead.

"One more push mama and he'll be here. Come on bare down." Daddy held my leg up higher and fisted my hair. I pushed harder than before and the sweet cries of my son filled the air as he was put on my chest, they cleaned him up the best they could.

"Want to cut the cord Dad?" The doctor asked. They took him and Chris cut his cord. They cleaned him all up and handed him back to Chris. They stiches me up down there and sat me up right in the bed. Chris gave me our baby. He was the perfect combination of us. His hair looked to be dark brown, he had my nose, and the rest of his face was his dad. He opened his eyes and they weren't blue or green. They were a mixture. A light teal-ish green color. He was absolutely perfect. He started crying.

"Aw is my baby boy hungry?" I unbuttoned my gown and started breastfeeding him.

"How did you now?" I shrugged one shoulder.

"Women's intuition." He hummed

"Go and get everyone from the waiting room please, I want to reveal the name." He nodded and left. 5 minutes later everyone came in together. Chris came back and put a hand on mine and our son's head. I looked up and met everyone's eyes.

"Everyone, I would like to introduce you to Benjamin William Night. Named after the man who saved my life and the best big brother a girl could ask for." Liam's eyes teared up.

"Bella, I don't know what to say." A tear fell.

"No need to say anything." He laughed.

"Well, thank you. No let me hold my nephew." We all laughed.

My life was complete. I had my soulmate and my child and that's all I need.

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