Chap 3

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Christian POV

"Goodnight everyone." I got a chorus of responses. Today was a long day.

Hello, my name is Christian Night. I'm 25, I'm tall, around 6' 2". I have dark green eyes and Golden brown hair. I have a pretty normal life, besides my past. I'm a Daddy, with no little, but God do I want one, so badly. I always have a room set up for when I hopefully get one.

I walk out of my hotel and get into my big truck. I drove for about an hour, deciding to take the long way home on this beautiful night, window down, wind in my hair. All of a sudden I heard a scream.

"Help me someo-" a girl screamed.

"One more word from you and you'll be dead little lady." He whispered. I pulled over and ran to them, I got there just in time. I ripped him off of her and got a look at her face. She was the most beautiful, cute, innocent looking woman I have ever seen in my life. Baby blue eyes, dark brown hair, the cutest button nose, about a foot shorter than me, a perfect looking little, don't ask I can just tell. I turned back to the boy on the ground, yes boy, he is no man, and sat on him and I grabbed his collar.

"That is no way to treat a woman, especially one so beautiful as this one." I punched him in the jaw, blood came out of his mouth.

"Now apologize, before I run you over with my truck."

"So- sor- sorry." Then he passed out. I dropped him, hearing a smack against the pavement. I looked in her beautiful baby blue eyes.

"Are you okay little one?" I asked, it was like I could see her flip the switch in her brain.

"Yeah, buts I cants go home." She sniffled, tears came down her cheeks. I pulled her in for a hug and she gripped my shirt for dear life.

"Why not?" I asked softly.

"I has none, I gots kicked out because I little." She sobbed. Fucking people are sick, how could they kick someone so innocent as her out?

"Oh my sweet girl. It's gonna be okay. You can live with me for now okay? Just temporary." I didn't want to freak her out more.

"Otey, I go wif yous." I was so happy I picked her up and she let out the cutest little squeel. I set her down in her seat and got in to start driving, she was out before I even put the keys in.

---30 minutes later---

I turned off the truck and went to pick her up, she was like a bag of bones. I put her on my hip and she snuggles right into my chest. I walk in and set her down on the couch. She whined and I sat down, moving her into me again. I'll just order take out. I have to call Liam though. He picked up first ring.

L: What's up Chris?
C: Hey Li, I ran into a problem on my way home, don't worry I'm fine, but I have this girl with me and I won't be able to make it in for a few days, can you manage with out me?
L: Yess Chris, i'll manage. Just be careful and update me now and again yeah?
C: Sure thing Li.

I hang up and order the food.

---15 minutes later---

I have Javier put the food down on the table and thank him.

"Hey sweet girl, you got to wake up now 'kay. We gotta eat and talk." I say slightly shaking her.

"Hi." She says shyly.

"Hi, can you tell me how old you are right know?" I ask.

"23." She stayed with a giggle.

"Oh, well, I got us some food, I figured we could talk." She nodded and rubbed the sleep out of her eyes.

"My name's Isabella Parker. But you can call me Iz-... Bella. You can call me Bella, bells, I'll respond to both. I'm 23, I can speak Spanish, I was born in Utah, but I moved here when I was 7." She said in one go. She hesitated on the nickname, but I won't pry. She a lot older than I thought, I thought she was 18. She grabbed a container and chop sticks and began eating.

"Ok, I'm Christian Night, but you can call me Chris, or what ever really. I'm 25, I can also speak Spanish, I was born and raised here. I also own my own hotel." I say and she spit out to water she was drinking, I laughed and grabbed a towel.

"Your THE Christian Night?!" She was so surprised.

"Yes, I'm surprised you didn't recognize me."

"I don't get out much, but when I do I always hear about you." We laughed together.

"I also want to talk about what happened earlier, after that guy passed out." Her eyes were like saucers. I put a hand on her leg and she seemed to calm down a little.

"I know your a little, and I know about the life style. I'm a Daddy, and I am more than happy to take care of little you, Daddy, or platonic caregiver which every you want, it's entirely up to you."

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