Chap 28

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Bella POV ---the same day---

"Bella? Oh my God you're awake! Are you okay? I'm gonna call the doctor. Do you need anything? Of course you do you just woke up." He was out of breath. It was cute how he worried about me.

"Daddy, calm down. No need to flip out. You keep going and you'll have a heart attach and both of us will be in a hospital bed." He took a few deep breaths and called for the doctor. A few minutes later, he walked right in.

"Hello Bella, Im doctor Alex Remerez. How are you feeling right know?" He asked as he checked my vitals and my breathing.

"Well my head's pounding, and I feel like I got shot, can I have some water?" He laughed a little. And Daddy RAN to get me some water, so cute.

"Well that's to be expected. I'll give you some morphine. Do you want me to update you on everything that happened here." I nodded, painfully.

"Well, you had to have emergency surgery on your chest, everything went well, we got the bullet out. Your very lucky, the bullet didn't nick anything to important. We found some tears in your vagina, we fixed those up. We also stitched up the cuts on your leg, they were pretty deep; but fixable. We wheeled you off to get some imaging done to make sure we didn't miss anything. You are perfectly fine now. Youll need to come back to get the stitches out, but you can worry about that later. Any questions?"

"No. Oh wait, how long will I be here?" I ask after taking a sip of water.

"Due to the seriousness of your injuries, healing time, and tending to the wounds before you leave, I say about a week, a week and a half at most. You'll be on bed rest of course. Only get up if absolutely necessary." He sighed. I hummed in response.

"I'll leave you two be, the nurse should be here in 5 minutes to administer the morphine. I'll notify the brother." He smiled and left, closing the glass door. I looked over at my amazing boyfriend. He came back and held my hand.

"Tell me what happened, please. I want to know everything after I passed out." He sighed and looked up at me.

"One of the officers shot and killed Lynn. The paramedics came in and took you in the ambulance. I came with you, Liam and the cheif came in his squad car. The preformed your surgery. It took five hours to repair the damage from the bullet and your tears. I thought I lost you Bella, I really did." He put his head back down and I heard him sniffle. I wanted to comfort him but if I moved my arm it sent shooting pain to my chest.

"You didn't lose me Chris, I'm right here. And I love you so much." I whispered. The nurse came in and silently administered the morphine. He stayed there for about a minute, calming down. He came up and kissed my head just as Liam and the chief walked in.

"Hey Li-Li." He came to my side and held my other hand. A tear fell.

"Hey Bella-bear." He rubbed my hand with his thumb.

"I hate to ruin the moment, but could I speak to you Bella about what happened? Alone preferably."

"I'm sorry sir, I can't be without Christian, I'll surely have a panic attack, and that can't be good for me." He nodded sadly and sat down.

"It's fine, I can do it with them here. So what happened with the two of them?"

"Well Lynn, she was the most frequent. She would drug me. The drugs would make me hallucinat. Some made me see my loved ones dead, or enemies of my past, my dad and my mom. Jack would come in a-and strip me, st-strap me to a c-cold metal tab-ble, a-and do sex-sexual things to me. He would also c-c-cut my leg in the same spot, the same w-way every day. Sometimes they would come t-t-together, doing everything all at once."

"Shhhh baby, it's okay. Your safe now. No one can hurt you." I hadn't realized I was shaking till he was hugging me and kissing the top of my head. I took a careful breath and calmed myself down.

"That's all for know. Thank you for cooperating, I know it can't be easy to talk about." I didn't say anything and just closed my eyes, enjoying the feeling of his hands around me. Carefully slipping as I do. Once he left I slipped all the way, I was about 1.

"Dada?" He looked at me weirdly.

"How old are you right now?" He asked.

"One." I said simply. He nodded.

"What do you need sweet girl?" He's just da bestest.

"Tu habs my bwankie an my binkie?" I was bery tiwed. I yawned.

"No baby, but I'll have Javier bring them okay? Sound good?" Aww I wants dem nows.

"Otey Dada." I sighed.

"Can tu cuddles wif me pwease?" I just wanted him.

"I'm sorry baby, I don't think so. You need to heal first. Once we get home we can cuddle all you want. I'll even by you a stuffie from the gift shop." He smiles sadly. I groaned.

"But dats soooo long!" I whined.

"I know baby, but you need to get better." He sighed and kissed my forehead.

"I wan kissie!" I pouted, he wooked confused.

"I just gave you one?" I shook my head and pursed my lips. He got da message and waughed. He kissed me and it felt wike our very first.


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