Chap 14

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Bella POV --- the next day at the hotel---

I was so excited! But I couldn't slip, I had to listen to Daddy.

"This is an ear piece. Tap it once to answer my calls, and twice to hang up. If you want to call me, or for some reason you can't answer by touch, just say llamada. It will put me through immediately." He put it in my ear and as he did he kissed my forehead. I closed my eyes savoring the moment.

"Thank you so much Daddy." He smiles, but then he frowns.

"To avoid getting judged you can't call me that unless we're alone or with Li-Li okay? You have to call me Chris, Christian, or Mr. Night." I frowned but understood. He kissed my frown and my nose, I giggled.

"Try not to slip baby, we can't have a 2 year old adult running around the hotel." He laughed slightly. I nodded and pulled him in for a hug. He let go and sat down at his desk.

"Ok first task, I need you to go pick up these papers I just printed from the copy room please." He showed me them and I nodded. He gave me a tour already so I knew where I was going.

I walked into the room and the papers haven't been printed yet so I wait. About half way through this guy named Mitchell came in and sat at the table. I ignored him, seemed normal. But every time I looked over I caught him staring. I took my papers, but before I left I asked him a question.

"Do I know you?" He looked up.

"Um... No." His voice sounded weird.

"Weird, because usually people that don't know me tend to not care, but you've been staring at me this whole time. Don't think I haven't notoced." He looked away.

"Sorry, it's just I've never seen you here before. I'm a security guard here."

"Well don't get your panties in a bunch. I'm the bosses new assistant, ask him yourself." With that I leave and call Chris.

"Yes Bella?" He asked calmly.

"One of your security guards was acting weird in the copy room." He drew in a breath.

"Name?" He asked stiffly.

"Mitchell.... I don't know his last name. He just kept staring at me like I had two heads."

"It's okay Bella, I'll talk with him. Is there anything else I need to know?" He asked softly.

"No, I'm on my way up with your papers, is there anything else you need before I get up there?"

"No, thank you." I could here his frown.

"No problem boss." I say with a giggle, which makes him laugh. I hang up and walk straight to his desk, dropping the papers. He motions for me to sit on his lap and I do. He brings up a screen with 3 people on it, all male.

"Which one was it baby?" He asked kissing my hair. I look forward to see 3 Mitchell's on the screen, I point to the one in the middle.

"That one Daddy." He looks at me.

"Are you sure baby?" He asked.

"Yes Daddy positive." He gave me a look and picked up his office phone, putting it on all the hotel speakers.

"Will Mitchell White come to Mr. Nights office please, I repeat, Mitchell White." He hung up the phone.

"Do you want to stay here baby? If not you can stay in the office bathroom, it's right over there." He says pointing to the black door.

"No Daddy, he gives me a weird vibe." He sighs.

"Okay baby, you can leave when he comes in." He puts a lose hair behind my ear and kisses my nose, I smile showing off my dimples, which I knew he loved.

"There they are." He smiles and I giggled. I cuddle with him till we hear a knock on the door. I get up and stand next to him.

"Enter." He say coldly. Mitchell comes in and takes a seat in front of the desk.

"Mr. Night, what can I do for you?" He asked looking past him at me. I shutter. Daddy looked up at me. He made the come here motion with his fingers. He gave my forehead a kiss.

"You can leave now Bella." He smiled softly at me. I walked into the bathroom, leaning against the door to hear.

---Chris POV---

His eyes were as wide as saucers, that was a good thing.

"Oh Mitchell, out of the many years you worked here I have never heard one complaint about you, so why do I have one now?" He shook his head.

"I'm sorry boss, I had no idea you had relations with her." That made me growl, and that's never a good thing. My ear pieced chimed and I heard her angelic voice.

"I just want to listen Daddy, don't let him know." I calmed down, a tiny bit.

"That has nothing to do with the matter at hand Mitchell. My girlfriend or not, there was no need to stare an innocent woman down and make her uncomfortable." I said getting mad again.

"I didn't see her badge sir, I thought she was an intruder." He sighs.

"You could have just asked?" I say in a duh tone.

"I wasn't thinking sir." My hands slammed down in the table as I stood up and got in his face.

"Well next time THINK!!! If I hear her say anything about you again, I will not hesitate to fire you and make your life a living hell! No leave." He got up and walked away with his head down.

"He's gone now baby you can come out now." And before I could say another word I was holding a crying little Bella in my arms. I instantly switched to Daddy mode.

"Oh sweet girl why are you crying, tell Daddy what's wrong." I whisper I her ear, petting her hair.

"I don't wike it when you yell Daddy, it scawes me." She says sniffling.

"Oh, Daddy's sorry baby, I didn't mean to scare you." She sniffled again and sat up, looking me in the eyes.

"I knows Daddy, it's no your fauwt. I hate when anybody yewws." She rubbed her eyes and yawned. I take her binkie from her little bag and her blanket.

"Nap time sweet girl." She just nodded and sucked on her binkie, laying back down on my chest.

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