Baby shower wedding

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Jessica pov

   I looked in the mirror at my pink sundress. Then fixed my almond brown curls. My hazel eyes glossed as I sprung around and saw kyle.

He walked up on me with my its a girl button and pinned it on my shirt. I then put on my best smile and walked inside the waiting area.

All my loved ones sat together as I took a seat. "I would like to thank all you guys for being here today."

"Its plenty of food to go around so enjoy yourselfs." Kyle talked to his family as I looked at rocky.

Lord im having another baby girl. I couldnt tell if rocky was happy or sad. That child been doing some she aint got no business.

She stay on that darn phone. Couldnt pay here to stay off it. She sitting with my mom who im not very close with.

She put it in rockys head that I just gave her up but that was not the reason. Rocky was more than happy to her and thats fine.

All I know is my mom better not mess this up. Its my day and ill be damned if it gets ruined. Everybody playing baby games.

Im eating and watching the happy faces around me. "Okay its gifts time." Kyle said watching the time. Then took my plate with cake on it and shoved a gift in my face.

"Okay its a gift from kyles parents." It was a couple outfits. "Next." Kyle said. It was from my mother.

It was a few condoms and an all white bible. "Best gift right jessie?" My mom said. A little upset I sucked it up.

"Just perfect." I said opening others one by one. Everything proceeds to go to with the flow. Music playing food getting ate.

Kyle walks up to me with this crazy smile. "Baby." "What kyle?" "Dont you think this the perfect time?"

"Prefect time to what?" "Tell them were getting married." "No kyle please." "Baby girl listen to me."

"Im ready for us. This is our time baby we have a family. Dont you see it baby? Please lets do it."

"You been waiting on this day boo and in the name of love ill do whatever it takes. Nomore mess ups I promise. To love you and only you."

"Your my love please lets tell them its the perfect time." Kyle kissed my lips and looked unto the people.

"Ladies and gents please listen up jessica has big news to share. Go on baby." He said smiling.

Everybody is looking at me as I sat there. "I hope you all are having fun. Well as you all know im about to bring another beautiful girl into the world."

"Well I also wont to announce that kyle and I are engaged and were getting married. Not today, not in a month, but today."

Everybody looked at me crazy. Some people clapped others were in shock I even thought my mom passed out.

I hope so old drunk bitty. Rocky ran out as I got up to go towards her. Whatever the problem is needs to be addressed.

"Roxie." "What mom?" "What is it? For real talk to me." "I dont like kyle." "Why not he been nothing but nice to you."

"Mom no he tried to hit on me." "Ill handle that rocky." "You believe me?" "Im your mother your my daughter its my business to protect you girl. Now chill out."

"Okay for now but when we get home its down to business. Right mom?" "Right roxie now lets enjoy while it last."

I love kyle but what he wont do is try my child. My own flesh in blood. At the house we all sat at the table.

"Rocky how do you feel about kyle?" I asked. "I dont feel for him mom. I told you he a snake."

"Anything else roxie?" "He a dog who belongs in the pound. So kyle did you tell my mom you hit on me."

"Calm down I got it rocky." I said now looking at kyle. "Got anything to say kyle?"

"Yes I do. When yoy first got here I was going through issues with my job. It was never anything personal. I apologize if it offened you."

"Dont flatter yourself rocky I didnt hit on you just tried to scare you a little but again I apologize."

"Okay I still dont like you but for my mom ill respect it." "Thanks baby girl." I said getting up to get ready for my wedding.

Sitting down in the chair my normal hair dresser monica pinned my hair with curls into a bun. She helped with everything. I was really apprecative of her on very short notice.

Nina and dante arrived right after the baby shower. Nina looked very beautiful. Dante kept her up.

Im happy for them they look cute. Rocky been very busy trying to make sure everything else is in order.

I was nervous kyle was with his friends getting groomed as well. I love my baby and im ready for this moment and my baby girl.

Monica was in charge as she put the finishing touches on me. Looking at myself I was impressed I was looking wife ready.

Everybody joined in and took their seats to get it started.Rocky did a good job getting all the guest to cooperate and get it done in a orderly manner.

Walking down the asile in my pretty white dress I thought to myself this is it.

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