Meeting the parents

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Nina POV

      Me and Dante have been on very good terms. He have really surprised me a lot during the pass couple months. My belly was growing and my glow was bright. I had dropped school to focus on my well being. Besides Dante kept complaining about me going because he was afraid he was going to have to check somebody about messing with me. Truth be told I wasn't worried about what nobody had to say about me getting pregnant. I love the father of my child and everything happens for a reason.

For real I wasn't tripping and neither was he. No longer staying in kyle house I reside with Dante in his studio condo just us. Still talking to rocky every now and then nothing seemed to have changed. I've been pregnant for three months now and although I should of stayed in school it was just about over with. It was the last month and I was good on that. Jessica called me and told me I should finish because I've made some good grades but thinking about brook haven made my head hurt.

I was up and cleaning when Dante walked in on me in deep thought. He took off his shoes and pants and then shirt and looked at me. "You okay baby?" He asked me getting his self situated. "Yeah I'm okay I just got off the phone with Jessica." "Oh yeah is everything okay with her?" "Yeah she's good her and my dad worked out their problems so I guess she's happy." "Speaking of dads and mom's my parents won't to meet you."

I looked at him seriously. "Your parents?" "Are you okay baby? I said my parents are you freaked out?" "I don't know Dante this a first." "Your the mother of my child and my future wife. Nina if I love you they will too. Your so beautiful with a beautiful soul and mind. My parents will dig you baby. Trust your man we got this baby." "Okay Dante fine I'll go through with it I just hope they like me." He kissed my forehead and looked in my eyes.

"They will boo." I finished cleaning up and took a shower as Dante played his game and smoked a blunt. I hate that he do that because for one I can't no more and the smell becomes over whelming at times. No matter how many times I try to tell him that he seems to not understand. Relaxing in the bath tub I let all my thoughts escape my mind and let the water relax me. I must of dozed off because I later heard loud knocking at the door.

"Nina,Nina open the door. Nina do you hear me?" I heard Dante knocking on the door real hard. "I'm getting out baby calm down I'm fine." Getting out the tub I put on some comfortable clothes and laid on the bed and watched Dante look at me. "What were you doing in there? You scared me baby." "I was soaking my body bay." Dante licked his lips and walked up on me. Leaning on the bed he grabbed my face and kissed me passionately. We were into the kiss as he got on the bed and held me.

He smelt so good it was making me melt. He stared at me then kissed me. Falling asleep he rubbed on my stomach and whispered things in my ear as I dozed off. I woke up around six o clock and noticed Dante wasn't home. I called him but no answer. I called him four times back to back. Calling rocky I was pissed. "Hello." "Hey girl what's up?" "I'm like upset right now." "What's the problem Nina?" "Dante he left and I been calling him to but no answer." "Nina just relax and chill he may be out making runs. You know Dante better than anybody."

She was right I knew my man I knew he wouldn't do that after all we are in a serious situation and its no more play time. "Okay girl you right I know him but if that boy don't get here in the next hour I'm going into a early labor because I'm going off top on anybody and that's real." "You need to chill baby girl take it easy and be patent." Finally getting off the phone I just watched TV which was just so boring.

           Two hours later...........

Dante POV

I was waiting on my daddy to come outside and go pick up his package from my uncle. We didn't talk about anything important we just took care of business and made our way back to my mothers house.  I went through my closet and saw my old room was squeaky clean and I know Nina would love it she a neat freak. Picking up my phone I looked at the time and called her.

Nina: hello.

Dante: what you doing ?

Nina: waiting for you to get back home before I lose my mind!

Dante: ma, chill  out making runs right now.

Nina: whatever you so quick to leave me I hope you don't do this when the baby come.

Dante : watch yo mouth and just chill out I'm on my way to you now.

Nina: okay baby I'm ready.

     I hung up and left out the room and walks towards the kitchen. My mom was cooking it up and I kissed her cheek and hugged her. "You throwing down ma." "Don't I always baby." I turned to walk away to go get Nina. The place was set up nice as I took a second glance and pulled out to get my baby love.

Nina POV

Already dressed I sat on the couch and braced myself for today the day I meet his parents. I was a little nervous until I actually got there. Dante and I rode in silence the whole way my hands were sweaty. Once we got inside the smell of vanilla fragrance welcomed me inside. It was clean and big I loved it. Dante held onto my hand and led the way. Inside the kitchen his mother was cooking it up. She looked at me and smiled."hello there beautiful."

"Hello." "Well its nice to finally meet you I'm Mrs Lisa and mother of Dante. His daddy had to change clothes he had an accident in the yard with the  dog. I told Dante he need to get rid of that wild animal. Oh no he treats that thing like family." "Baby don't embarrass the boy in front of his lady." Looking back I seen his father who looked exactly like him. Waving I said hello as his mother put her finishing touches on dinner.

We talked and ate at the table and enjoyed ourselves. They suggested that Dante and I should stay for a couple days and I didn't see why not. They were generous , polite, and funny people they seemed happy and after all they were family now.

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