Phase Six

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[Rocky] My mom and Nina was bugging me out with all this pregnant crap i still cant believe this is happening right now. Not to mention all the other things occurring. My mom was being over the top about everything and wanted all of us to be there ever step of the way. Which i don't mind because she is carrying my brother or sister. Nina acted like she could handle everything by herself but truth be told i think she need help.

[Nina]Jessica was being a good role model to me by showing me the ropes and making sure i stay up on everything. Dante was being excellent and a wonderful boyfriend. Everybody got use to him being around so i was glad of that honestly. Kyle kept saying smart stuff to him but he has absolutely no room to say anything about nothing. Till this day for all i know Jessica still has him in the dog house.

[Kyle]Nina pregnant is all i can think about. Damn i thought she would at least have graduated first . Rocky running around here like she perfect but i know she hot in the ass to. Her mommy swear she so perfect. Jessica supposed to been told the girls she was pregnant then it wouldn't be so much confusion. Dior done came and told my family lies talking about that's my baby. That is a bold face lie she was sleeping around with my homeboy and me. This is just crazy. Jessica wont talk to me or look at me. I honestly believe the wedding has been called off.

[Dante]My women was two months pregnant and my ex girlfriend was pissed. She wrote her a nasty letter because she knew i was going back to her. Yeah i went to her house but i was on the run trying to get some money and the whole time she was trying to take my money. Once she made it up in her mind i wouldn't give her nothing she juiced me out information. For real though Nina my world and ill do whatever for her that's my queen.

[Chad] I need to talk to rocky. The weekend was madness and we haven't talked since then.

I had some to tell her i was in too deep. I need my baby right now i just wont her. But every time i call her no answer.

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