Saving Nina

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The night was young and Nina was enjoying every moment with Dante.

Laughing Dante and I drunk an adult beverage and walked down the block to the lake close by my house. " You had fun today boo?" "It was great school was lame as usual.

"I really think I'm going to move and start my senior year somewhere else i cant take brook haven serious anymore. The teachers are idiots and don't know anything without all the answers right in front of them."

"The whole student body is full of mess and has a thrill for drama that's not my style at all." "Baby chill out you got one more year until you can be with me for real without all the extra stuff behind it."

"I just want you girl so stay ill die if you leave." "Shut up Dante your lying." "But I'm not I'm looking you in your eyes to insure you that I'm speaking real."

Once Dante dropped me off i was drunk and i had never reached this level before. I wasn't worried because i had convinced myself that i could pull myself together before i got in. Only that wasn't the case.

Once i got inside the whole house was in the living room watching television. Almost stumbling Jessica jumped to her feet and ran over to me. Why did she do that? She was running to get me in trouble not that i cared but why lord why?

All eyes were on me as i stood up straight almost. "Sweetheart have you been drinking?" "No I'm just tired i had a really long day. Don't worry about me just let me rest good night."

Making it to my room i closed and locked my door. To my surprise Kyle didn't look at me or say anything to me. I guess he figured i was really done with him and all his lies he told.

Throwing down my things i stripped and threw on more comfortable clothes. Grabbing my phone Dante had sent me a really cute text message.

My love- I was texting you to make sure your alright. I know you made it in safe but i was worried about how much you drunk tonight and wanted to make sure your alright. Get some rest ill see you soon i love you boo. Good night princess.

Tying up my hair i put my phone on the charger and wrapped up my night. Just when i was about to fall asleep i felt vomit coming up out my mouth. Laying on the side of the bed i let it all out.

To tell you the truth i felt one hundred percent better afterwards. That morning when i woke up i had a headache so bad i dropped school and just lay in my bed for the rest of the morning. Jessica checked up on me as everybody got ready to leave for the day.

Pulling myself together i went downstairs to grab something to eat. The house was so quiet that's just what i needed peace and alone time. Sitting on the couch i rested my bones as my headache started to merge.

Feeling some what better i jumped on the computer and did some of my assignments on the computer no matter how bad i felt school was still important. Finishing two assignments i laid back down in my bed.

My phone was on loud ringer it woke me up out my sleep instantly. It was Dante calling me and waking me up.

"Hello." "Where are you?" "Home." "Whats wrong?" "I had a hangover." "Do you feel any better?" "Just a little bit." "Can i come over?" "Sure but just for a little while Dante no funny business."

"Okay no funny business i got you ma." It took Dante a whole hour to come but he came. Sitting on the couch again Dante held me and rocked me in his arms.

Then kissed my forehead and sat up. Pulling out a blunt he looked at me. "Can i light this up in here?"

"I mean i don't care besides nobody comes home until hours from now so go ahead. The smell should be gone before then."

The Drama Queen[Completed] (Book 1 part 1)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat