Final Phases

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    Nina pov

   I was a wreck and it showed. My hair was a mess and nappy as hell. I barely ate and jessica was fussing at me telling me it wasnt healthy to just let go.

As bad as I tried to I couldnt get myself together. Dante was heavy on my mind and I was hurt.  I prayed to god for an understanding.

Im not even really mad I just wont answers. Remembering ashley's words I knew his lifestyle was wild. Which I knew I couldnt handle in real life. Dante made it look easy but I could see pass the front.

I couldnt cope with one day somebody telling me he is dead. Hell jail either I would go crazy and lose my damn mind. Ive tried to call him but nothing the voicemail.

Laying in bed I looked around to find the time was eleven o clock. Sighing I turned on my tv just because. I knew if I be couped up in my room all day silent jessica would be on my case for sure.

       Rockys pov

   Not getting up I lay still in my bed. My night gown felt good on my body. My phone vibrated and it was a text message. I laid right there not moving just still getting a piece of mind.

Finally seeing it was twelve I clock I got up slowly my body still ached a little bit. Going to my closet I grabbed some sweats and a black v neck t shirt. Taking a shower I put on my clothes and did my hair.

Picking up my phone I saw jose text me mintues ago before I got up.

Jose: good after noon baby. Check this out I miss you. My boy pablo having a party and I wont to see you. I already jazelle to pick you up. She'll be there around nine o clock.

Calling laurie I told her to meet up at my house we needed to talk things over. She totally agreed and told me she'll gladly be over soon. I cleaned up my messy room.

     Chad pov

    After bussing bianca's lip I felt bad about it. She was trying me in front of all her friends and I hate feeling like less of a man. who did she think she was?

I couldnt face neither rocky or bianca. To be truthful I think rocky dont love me anymore. I know I was wrong for what ive done but I wont to be respected at all times.

The way rocky looked at me was scary. It was a look of fear I didnt wont to scare her. I just wont to love her that is all. Only I feel like I messed up and I did mess up.

I didnt wont to bother rocky. I thought ill give her a break. After all I know she's hurting still. I was hurt when I seen how bad her scars looked. Im so ashamed of myself how could my dad think its cool to slap my mama around?

   Rockys pov

   Seeing nobody cooked breakfast I figured hell ill just fix me a light snack or some. Looking through cabients I found something fast. Yup noodles it is because I aint about cook nothing.

Somewhat full I sat in the living room and watched tv. I later heard the door bell ring. Everybody else was busy sleep. Boy being pregnant must be tiring.

Walking to the door it was laurie looking up and cute. No lie since her and jayson been dating ive never seen her off her game. She was doing a good job at keeping herself up.

I was looking plain jane and obviously worried because laurie saw through me. "Rocky are you okay? Girl you look ill." I chuckled damn she harsh.

"No im just tired rhee. My body hurt, my hair is a mess, and I guess im partying tonight. Even though I dont really wont to." In all honesty I looked beat up I couldnt let jose see me this way.

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