Trigga Happy

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Rocky Pov

Im so glad its almost over I could just dance. Im standing at my locker and laurie walks up on me smiling. "So rocky you know its a party on the last day right? Okay so me and jayson is planning on going in a limo and I was wondering if you and chad wont to join? Please say yes rocky." She stood in front of me poking out her lips. "We got to talk laurie but please dont say nothing.

Laurie adjusted her bag. "Is it bad you look horrible?" I smacked my teeth. "Look just meet me in the senior garden after school." "Okay I will see you later." Walking to class I sat in my seat and put my head down.

I heard my name but I was deep sleep I couldnt move. I tried to wake up but no luck. Then the teacher shook me and woke me up. Sweat was all over me as I looked up to an empty classroom. Jumping up I was late to math class.

Paying attention I noticed chad staring at me. It was weird he looked crazy as hell for real. My phone vibrates and I look at my phone its chad texting me. At first im like he cant be serious. What was his problem I did nothing to him.

Chad: Meet me after school I have to show you something. If you refuse to meet me ill be waiting for you at your house. You know if I have to do that its gone be a problem. I love you rocky baby I just wont you.

Rolling my eyes I put my phone up. Chad starts staring at me again and im like what the hell im ready to go already. My stomach hurts and I told laurie to meet me but chad wonts to see me. Oh my god this is crazy to me.

The final bell rings and im debating on going to the senior garden or going to chads car. My stomach hurts so bad and my hands are sweaty. Walking towards the parking lot I saw chad by his car on the phone. Standing in front of him he smiled then grabbed me.

Chad forced his tongue in my mouth and wouldnt stop kissing me. I almost cried standing there as he touched me. Pulling back he looked at me. "Get in the car!" He said demanding me. Getting in the car we pulled off fast.

No lie I was so scared my heart was beating so fast it could jump out my chest. We drove and drove until we came to an stop. Looking around we were surrounded by nothing but trees. Oh my god we in the woods I thought playing it cool.

Chad looked at me and smiled. "Were here. Man I love this place any time I feel down , hurt or whatever I come out here to clear my mind." All that was fine but I didnt wont to be here honestly. I just wonted to talk to jose before he starts calling my phone.

"Im hungry chad." "Okay and?" "Im starving I skipped lunch can we go?" "Im trying to talk to you. You see how funny you acting? Thats how I know you cheated on me." "Chad no I didnt were not together!"

Chad grabbed my hair as we both walked to the trunk of his car. Opening up his trunk he grabbed a big black bag. Unzipping the bag I saw him pull out the same gun he shoot lorenzo with. I was crying now for real this man crazy. My life is about to be over.

He grabbed the gun amd put it to my chest. "Strip! Take off all your clothes now!" "Chad why am I doing this. What are you trying to do?" "Shut your ass up and do as I say. Do you love me rocky?" "Yes chad I do I love you chad."

I said scared as hell shaking not taking my eyes off the gun. "Okay if you love me your my girl and youll do anything for me right?" "Chad were outside please lets go to the spot or something." Chad slapped me hard. "No I wont it right here right now! Your my girl you love me so prove it."

He had the gun at my chest looking at me cry. Im in total shock I thought he was sweet and all that but he got a real problem. "If I tell you to strip again your dead. I dont care rocky in the name of love. You made me crazy about you. Now you got to deal with it."

Still crying I took off my clothes he moved the gun to my head. My eyes were burning and I wonted to just get this over with already. Laying on the grass chad stood over me with his gun. He pulled out his penis and peed on me. I was so disgusted , hurt , and embrassed.

Once he told me to get up I put on my clothes. Looking at him he looked possessed for real. Inside the car I had a bad headache. Still crying he rode the whole way to my house with his gun in my side. He bit down on his teeth eyes wide as he drove.

I think he on drugs this wasnt the chad I know. He was so trigger happy he wont to shoot me so bad. I did nothing I only did what he did found my ex and hit it off again. Can I trust jose and tell him with no problems? Can I trust laurie to keep her mouth shut? Who could I turn to jazelle? What would she say?

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