Chapter 31

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Logan's POV

Her pale and lifeless body laid on the bed, an oxygen mask over the nose and mouth, wires and tubes surrounding her. I'd been to the hospital a few times because of my mum, but I'd never seen anyone looking as frail as Megan.

'The doctor said she's finally stable.' Henry whispered. 'Physically.'

'Is she going to wake up?' I asked, gently taking her hand.

'She's comatose.' Henry replied. 'Time will tell.'

'I shouldn't have left her.' I said, trying not to cry. 'This is all my fault.'

'Why didn't you call me?' Henry said, his voice broken. 'Why didn't you tell me the instant they tried threatening you both?'

'They tried to kill my mum, Henry. I didn't know what else to do.' I said, rubbing my forehead.

'Megan was protecting your mother.' Henry shook his head. 'You... you put her in danger.'

'I know.' My voice was weak, trembling. 'Trust me, there's no one who hates me more than myself.'

'You should have called me the second they threatened you, Logan. You should have called me when you left her alone with them. Or.. or when you found her on the bridge. I don't give a fuck what they threatened you with, that's my baby girl. My daughter tried to kill herself! My baby...' Henry suddenly broke down in tears, crying into the mattress beside Megan's lifeless body.

'I'm so sorry.' I cried. 'I didn't know she was feeling like this... I didn't know what else to do.'

'I can't believe I missed the signs again. I let her down again. Ben was in my house, he was abusing her again and I didn't notice. She was suicidal again and I didn't notice. I failed her.'

'You couldn't have known.' I shook my head, desperately wanting to comfort the man but having no idea what to say.

'I should have. I should have known.' He sobbed. 'Look at her Logan. You see what he did to her? Her whole body is covered. He's going to pay.'

'Henry, he said if she reported him he would frame me. I don't know how he'd do it but I believe him.' I shook my head.

'I'm not going to sit here and do nothing. He needs to pay for doing this to my baby.' Henry cried. 'Read this. Read what she went through for a whole month without anyone knowing.' He passed me a small purple notebook with her name neatly written on the front.

'I don't know if I can...' I breathed, unsure if I could stomach it.

'You don't know if you can read what happened to her? She lived it, Logan. She did it and lied to all of us to protect your mother, she did it for you. And you don't know if you can deal with reading it?' Henry scoffed angrily. 'You're lucky I'm letting you anywhere near her after what you did, the least you could do is read it and know what she was going through.'

'Do you think I don't beat myself up? I love her, Henry, and I led her straight into the lions den to save my mum. Do you think a second passes where I don't wish it could have been me instead?'

'You don't deserve her.' Henry said, his sadness turned to anger. 'She didn't deserve any of this but she sure as hell didn't deserve to be cheated on. Then she forgave you, you didn't deserve that either. She went through hell for you, for your mother. You say you love her but where were you when she needed you? You were there on day one and you didn't do a thing!'

'Just stop it!' I shouted, suddenly unable to contain my emotions. 'I know I don't deserve her! I know she deserves better than me, but I'm not leaving her! I left her too many times and I'm not making that mistake again.'

'Excuse me.' A nurse said running in the room. 'You need to stop shouting. Both of you.'

Henry stared at me, while I looked sheepishly at the nurse. 'Sorry.'

'Visiting hours are over. You can both come back tomorrow. Providing you keep this arguing outside the hospital.'

Henry glared at me while I kissed Megan's forehead before leaving, gripping the purple note book in my hand.

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