Chapter 17

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I was frozen, staring at my boyfriend kissing someone else.

'Logan?' I squeaked, barely audible over the loud music. He pulled away from the girl, looking at me with shocked eyes.

'Megan?' His eyes darted between me and the mystery girl. 'It's not what it looks like...'

'Really? Because it looks like my boyfriend was making out with another girl, after lying to me about being at the hospital with his mother. It looks like you lied to me when I called you, when I needed you. He's getting out in two weeks, Logan, and I needed you to tell me I'm going to be okay, so I called you. I thought you were looking after your mum, so that was fair enough, you had your own stuff to deal with, you didn't need my stuff too. Then I find you here cheating on me?'

'Megan...' Logan said, regret in his eyes.

'Fuck you, Logan. If my baggage is too much for you to handle, then have the balls to admit it and break up with me.' I shouted.

'Megan, please.' Logan begged as I ran out of the kitchen and into the garden.

'Am I wrong? Tell me I misheard 'hospital' and 'the doctor is calling' and you really said 'party' and 'kiss a random girl'. Tell me I'm not finding out on the same day that videos of my abuse is still out there, my uncle is getting out of prison and my boyfriend cheated on me. All in one day?'

'He's really getting out?' Logan said, horror in his eyes. 'What? How?'

'That's not your concern any more Logan.' I said shaking my head.

'Megan, please let me explain.' Logan pleaded grabbing my hands with his. I yanked them away, crossing my arms across my chest.

'Go ahead.' I said, waiting for an explanation.

'After you left the hospital... the thought that you tried to kill yourself the way that got my mum was in hospital... and that you felt that way because of my step dad. And that you'd rather be blackmailed than get justice for what happened—'

'Justice? What justice? My uncle is getting out of prison - there is no justice in this world Logan.' I shouted.

'Not if you don't fight for it.' Logan shouted back.

'I'm done fighting Logan. I never win.' I said, flapping my arms slightly. 'I'm done.'

'Megan?' Lisa and Frankie stood behind me, having witnessed everything. 'Your uncle was in prison? Why?'

I turned and stared at them. Not like this, this wasn't how they were supposed to find out.

'You cheated on her?' Frankie said, their eyes glaring at Logan. 'Jesus, Logan I thought you were better than that.'

Despite Frankie's subject change, Lisa still stared at me. 'Megan, what's going on?'

I shook my head, my mouth gaping open and closed as I struggled to find the words. 'I need to go.'

'No, Megan wait!' Logan said chasing after me as I went back into the house. Charlie was stood in the kitchen with a few friends pouring drinks.

'Leave me alone Logan.' I said, as Lisa and Frankie followed us in after us.

'Guys.' Charlie said to his friends, signalling for them to get out. As soon as they left, he turned to us with a look. 'What's going on?'

'Nothing, I just need to go.' I said trying to leave the kitchen.

'No. Logan needs to go.' Lisa said. 'You need to stay and explain.'

'Why does Logan need to go?' Charlie frowned.

'He was making out with someone else. He told me he was at the hospital visiting his mum, when he was here cheating on me.' I said, not looking at Logan.

'Shit. Logan, that's low man.' Charlie said, shaking his head disappointedly.

'I'm sorry Megan I just-' Logan started, but realised that he had no explanation. He ran his hands through his hair, before sighing and walking out.

'Megan. Please tell us what's going on?' Lisa said, leading me to the kitchen table.

'Your mum never said your uncle was in prison.' Frankie said, prompting me to explain.

'She doesn't believe he should be.' I whispered.

'Why is he there Megan?' Lisa asked again.

'I can't, Lisa.' I whispered, hiding my face in my hands. 'It's too hard.'

'I think I know.' Charlie said, his face pale. I looked up at him in confusion. 'Benjamin Bolton, right?'

'How do you—' I started, feeling so anxious I could throw up.

'It was in the newspapers. I remember I was like 12 when he was sentenced. My parents were in shock, they said you lied.' Charlie said, shaking his head.

'I didn't.' I whispered, hiding my face again, a sob wracking through my body. Lisa's hand rested on my shoulder to comfort me, while Frankie reached across the table and took one of my hands.

'Shit.' Charlie said, looking like he was going to throw up. 'Megan I'm so sorry that happened.'

'Will someone tell us what's going on, for the love of God?' Lisa said frustratedly, despite her attempts to be comforting.

Charlie stood up, pacing slightly. 'Her uncle raped her.'

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