10 • Great

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I had hopes of turning around my relationship with my momma but after hearing about her and being a hunter. I couldn't even think twice about it. What if she had our father killed? What if she knew what actually happened to him.

He was Angel he couldn't have just died in a robbery no way. So, living with Rosie and the boys is our home now.

"Roe is beating herself up about this Angel situation" I overheard Ryder talking on the phone as I was making cereal for Keloi to eat.

"No Remus, she think's mom is pissed at her but she was I mean but she is even more at the Angel's that they even attacked Rylan and Roe. And you know how mom is when she is pissed off. Nope, Roe ate sixteen bags of blood last night" he said.

"What?" I said.

"Yes, alright bye" he said.

I could hear Ryder and his feet hitting the ground. I knew he was coming into the kitchen.

"It's not nice to listen to people conversations" he smiled.

"Who me? I would never" I smiled at him.

"It's alright, as long as you didn't hear anything good" he joked.

"Funny" I laughed. "So, your momma isn't mad at her?"

"Not how Rosie think she is. Her and our mother share a bond that none of us have and we understand why. Rosie is hurting because she think she broke the bond with mom" he said.

"Awe...that's sad."

"Yeah, your mate is pretty down" he replied.

"I see" I said.

"Yeah" he repeated looking at me.

"Oh right, my mate. I will go to her" I smile at him.

"Good" he laughed. "I will take Keloi to school and just spend some time with her."

I nodded and went to see Keloi in her room first.

"Knock knock...sister whoa" I said opening her door with her cereal.

"I have breast" she said standing there with no shirt on. "Why do I have breast kaikuaʻana, kaikaina?" She asked me saying sister in Hawaiian.

"Your turning into a young women" I smiled.

"This?" She held up her panties.

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