20 • Scared

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Rylan brought the girls home. Rosie and Ryder stayed out looking for Ru. I sat in our bedroom on the floor. I closed my eyes and tried to call to Ru like she had called to me.

I opened my eyes and I was in her white room, that she called her safe place.

"Ruby? Baby it's me."

"Mommy?" She appeared.

"Baby, you have to come home..."

"I can't they will kill me, I hurt Keloi. I didn't mean to."

"I know, Keloi is okay she will heal just fine" I said holding her hands.

"I hurt her, I don't know why. I was okay then I wasn't, I hurt the man at school and I killed...I killed a dolphin. Mama I was so hungry I couldn't help it. What's wrong with me?" She asked.

"Nothing is wrong with you, your new to the world and your learning. Keloi is not mad at you."

"I promise no one is going to touch you" I said.

She looked around then she grabbed my hand and we were in the livingroom.

"Ru?" Indigo and Olive said crying coming up to us.

"Keloi?" Ruby said but Keloi took off running to her room and Ruby bursts into tears.

"Rosie she is home" I said. "Everyone go lie down for a few hours" I said.

"Shes okay?" Rosie said coming in with Ryder.

"I just sent them to their rooms to rest. Shane is in the guest room, Yovohi can heal apparently and Shane will be okay" I said.

"I'm sorry mommy" Ruby said to Rosie.

"It's okay, it was my fault. I was angry and I forgot that your emotions are connected to mines. I should have been more careful. It's not your fault."

"I hurt Keloi" she cried as Rosie was hugging her.

"Mom, will speak with her, right?" Rosie asked me.

"Yes, right now" I said.

I walked away to go see Keloi, and she was laying in bed crying.

"Loi?" I said.

"Yes?" She sat up.

"Let me see" I said.

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