4 • Truth

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Surf's Up

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Surf's Up

I am pretty sure she is going to fucking kill me when she gets up. I thought to myself as my dumb scary ass was running back up the beach to everyone else.

I looked around for Shane as I tried to stop my bleeding chest and wrists. Meanwhile the entire time I am thinking about having sex with another stud.

All I think about is her, how turned on I was, how bad I wanted her to bite me again.

"What the hell happened to you?" Shane asked as I ran into her.

"We gotta go. I pissed her off" I said.

"Your bleeding, just hold on" she said as I was rushing to her car.

"Okay okay, slow down" Shane added.

"Whoa did she do this?" She pointed to my chest.

"She fucking bit me bro like a damn maniac" I said as my wrists weren't hurting or bleeding.

"She marked you" she said getting in her car.

"Marked me? What is that?" I asked looking around as she started her car.

"Well werewolf only mark when they find their mate, you never pay attention to nothing your father ever told you huh?" She asked.

"What the hell are you talking about?" I asked.

"Is she the Alpha?" Shane asked me as I saw her walking up past people.

"Shane just fucking go bro" I said.

"I can't" she said.

"Your my friend, she is going to kill us both bro, fucking go" I said staring at her.

"Is she the Alpha?" Shane asked .

"No, she's  fucking not. Keloi said that she is next in line or some shit like that. Why? Now can we go..."

"I can't disobey her, this is her territory."

"Shane what the fuck are you talking about bro?" I asked because I am confused as fuck.

"I'm a lone wolf and I can't trespass with you" she said.

"You gotta be fuck joking me?" We both looked at the front window and she was looking at Shane.

"She is going to kill me" I said.

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