Chapter 63

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Damon had asked Erica out for the Evening and she had agreed. They sat on top of the clock tower. Then Damon went on one knee and presented a ring. A diamond lay held by batters of iron. "Erica Olivia lillys, we have been through are ups and downs are fights and fueds but there is no one else I would rather spend forever with, Erica, will you marry me?". Damon wanted to marry her Omg Omg Omg Omg "Yes" they hugged and kissed. This was going to be amazing, Caroline was planning the wedding for them. The best man was alaric and the best lady was going to be Caroline. Everything was going to be fine. Bonnie was happy for them but recently she had been buried in old spell books. What was she doing? That didn't concern tk much people it didn't realy matter or so they thought what bonnie was doing would soon ruined everything.

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