Chapter 20

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She was lost. The signal had died. Every time she had ran she'd hit a tree cutting herself it healed up but blood still got on her she stopped when a long branch just missed her heart. And finally after hours she found a highway she walked and then soon saw a sign she was 100 miles from mystic falls this was gonna be a long walk she got signal for a few minutes but not enough to call. She finally found a bus station she hadn't been back in three days I wondered if they worried or maybe not. She got on the bus the bus driver glanced at her state then nodded for her to get on. She slept the hole journey she arrived. At mystic falls at 3am she got to the salvotore house blood soaked and aching. The fire was roaring but no one was near it. She was gonna go up to damon and surprise him of her return she opened the door and saw. He and Elena were asleep in his bed half naked. She left she didn't noticed stefan hadn't been out at all until she closed the front door and turned she saw him he was tired. "Erica your back I've been looking for you-" he saw her tear soaked face and hugged her. "I'm sorry that happened" he gave her the car keys and hoped to see her again. Erica wasn't prepared for this so she wanted payback many people dying around mystic falls wouldn't be good for damon now would it.

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