Chapter 46

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They danced and laughed then she realy thought:Why was Tyler here than? Someone came behind damon and she heard them whisper "sorry" they stabbed him in the neck with a siringe and he fell but she caught him. She saw Tyler running away from the scene it was him. He carried him away as if he was to drunk to walk and saw bonnie, enzo, Caroline and stefan walk towards from each side of the  hall. When they got out. She carried him like a baby in away. She explained Tyler had done this. But before anyone could question anything everyone around erica had a siringe except bonnie it had to be vervain. She watched as Caroline, enzo and stefan fall to the ground. There she and bonnie saw the people who did it Tyler, and no-it wasn't he she was imaging it bit but the too other figures were as shocked as her to see each other. It was moments a moment were all emotions and thoughts came in. "Mum, dad-"

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