Chapter 13

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She put her foot forward to show them off but slipped. Why was she so close to the edge. She slipped on ice and fell down the waterfall he jumped after her he was to late. She had hit a rock hard and then landed in the water blood went through the water at a flash she drifted in the water until damon got to her. He pleaded for her to be alive but he knew there was no point he quickly gave her some blood which he Got into her but she didnt wake up he carried her home. He layed her down in his bed and sat on the edge pleading. The door swung open "Oh damon your-". Stefan froze at the sight of erica she still had blood on her. "What the hell happened". Damon explained and then ended with "she might be ok or she might be like-, she may not even wake up" he cried. Stefan comforted his brother but it was more of a way of conforting himself. He said he'd go get there suff not wanting to wait and see that she might not wake up. He left leaving damon waiting with hope.

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