Chapter 2

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As she got into the office she saw few students and one man waiting in a chair. He looked at her and grinned. He looked about 23 and not bad looking black hair ripped jeans black t-shirt and leather jacket. She sat down next to him waiting for the office lady to be free. He thought with her time he'd amuse this guy "Bit to old to be at school" she said slyly. Oh he was ready "bit to young to be wearing those shorts" he tutted and laughed it made her laugh to but she stifled her giggles. "I like your fashion sense" she said not meeting his eye. "Thanks, hey why haven't I seen you around". "I'm new to here joined today" the office lady beckoned her forward "well ill see you around." The lady gave her a time table and told her were her class was she knew she was running late but didn't care. She walked with her head up high many people glanced twice but didn't speak some waved. She looked down at her little map the lady had given her along with her books but then walked into someone making her drop everything. "I'm so sorry" said the person they bent down at the same time as her letting her steal a glance, a good view he was.

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