Chapter 33

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She arrived at New Orleans and waited at a motel for the night. Finally it was an hour until it started she got on her gown made sure she had the present. She arrived at the house. The outside was decorated with white and baby blue balloons.. She went in. She didnt realise it but she was a sight. Her hair was curled and let down. She wore a baby blue dress which matched with the balloons. She saw a table with presents she placed it there. She saw a group of people crowed around something. It must be hope. She was to scared too talk to her yet. Suddenly music played. Then someone came up behind her and offered her to dance. She looked and saw Elijah she hadn't seen him much other the year she was there but he would smile at her if they passed. They danced and he said "Do I know you" he questioned. She nodded "Elijah mikealson I cant belive you can't rember me, last time you saw me may of been 4 years ago and I had my emotions of but I'm offended " she said. He looked at her and went "Erica, you look so different"

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