Chapter 15

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The transition was easy she was given some human blood collected by Caroline. She found it fine to drink from blood bags it was all a uneventful week. Is what everyone wished had happened. She was on damon's bed damon had gone to get some blood from the hospital stefan was in his room not wanting to see her like this. When she smelt something it was like ice cream with fudge and sprinkles. It smelt delicious she had to have it. She went downstairs put out it was dark. She followed the smell until she found it, it was a girl. "And then my dad was like- umm what do you want" she looked at Erica disgusted. "Sorry have to go some ones probaly looking for clothes at the state of the clothes I see them wearing" she hanged up the phone. And stared at her chewing gum. "Look can I just have one taste it won't hurt to hard" she said eyeing the girls neck. "I don't know-ahhhh" it was too late erica had gone for the neck the blood was like honey for her she wanted more. She tried to stop drinking but she couldnt what would she do now.

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