Chapter 38

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She got there asked to see hope. Hope came out excited and invited her in, they got to her room. Damon waited outside the place and then Erica said "Hope I know you want me to stay but I have a life I love you like a sister and I know you did a spell on me". Hope sighed she'd been caught "Huh, you got me well that spell for your freinds to have a go at you worked then" She was shocked "They didn't just have a go at me hope, that spelled it made my freind try to kill me and it was somehow poisonous to me I couldn't see till a witch helped but my shoulder is like this" she pulled of her cardigan in pain and revealed her flesh wound which had turned from blacky-green to browny-blue. "Omg the spell was to strong" she muttered a incantation colour left making in peachy, red but still sore. They talked and hope apologised hope hugged and she left with damon. Who supported her as she walked Because is was hard to walk with the bad shoulder. They got a cab back to mystic falls. Where she hoped to resolve things between her and Caroline and the salvotore brothers.

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