Chapter 56

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They spun and it landed on Caroline. Over at the boys group it landed on damon. Both put blindfolds on and walked over to each other. They kissed. Erica didn't mind this. It was a game Caroline was her freind. They took of the blindfolds and laughed. They went back bonnie and enzo this time. Remembering each others lips they kissed passionately. Blindfolds off at spinning again and again. Finally Erica was landed on blindfold on and she walked over until she met the person they kissed for a quarter of   a second and she realised the lips belonged to stefan. She tried to move away. But he was holding her close. She hit him with a force which made him stop no one notice her do it. She took of the blindfold and smiled looking awkward making everyone buy nothing had happened. But something had the heat had rises no she did not want to let go of him. But damon she would never be able to let go of him again. They changed the game again it was now 2am. Bonnie had fallen asleep on Enzos shoulder he held her close. Erica sat between Caroline and damon. Matt and Caroline were talking. Stefan and enzo were having a quiet conversation. And damon was silent. Erica sat there listening she was listening to there conversation then her hearing heightened she heard Bonnie's heart. She found it a bit hard after drinking so much blood with her emotions off. She hadn't realy listened to people hearts before. It was hard not to so she excused herself to the bathroom.

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