Chapter 40

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That weekend thhe only thing she did as she was hungover was right a letter to hope. Soon after the weekend she Enrolled at Whitmore school which Caroline, bonnie, matt and stefan were at. There she met alaric, damonw freind who was the history teacher he was kind. She shared a dorm with bonnie and Caroline. Damon visited loads. Her fashion sense was back on track. All seemed to be getting back to normal. Of course that wasn't going to happen. One night she was in bed seconds from falling asleep when she heard a woosh the window had bated open she looked up and the suddenly her neck snapped and she was motionless. If she turned around in time she would of seen the figure behind her non-other then the bitch from the north, south, east and west Katherine peirce. Katherine dragged her to a place she'd been at into the basement and on to a chair whish she strapped her hands in vervain ropes. Soon Erica woke up and then saw Katherine and got angry. "What the hell do you want" Katherine looked at her and said "I want the salvotore brothers but you seemed to have a Talent that I have too to wrap them round your finger so I'm going to have to get rid of you". Erica ripped of the ropes and stood up. "How did you do that they were vervain ropes" they both stood there motionless and confused

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