Chapter 35

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This was a memorable night for sure. She sweared to visit again. She was leaving when someone's hand held hers it was damon she had forgotten all about him. "Look damon, your trying to protect me these last years huh but there's only one thing I need protecting from, and that's my heart being crushed again" she looked away from him "Last time, when you, even without my emotions off I was a ripper, and when I did on the first day I killed people, the only good think that happened was meeting the mikealsons it was them who brought me back". Damon stayed quiet. There hands still held toghther. Then he stopped she looked at him he looked like a ghoust "Erica lillys, I am a ruthless, cruel, horrible person. But when I first met you at the school you tangled me in you, I wanted to know you, you are so dangerous, unpredictable, gorgeous, amazing and stunning, I have always loved you, I feel like you still feel the same but you think you need to put a barrier up, just let me through I won't screw up again I promise." She looked at him, he had just poured his heart out to her and all he said was true. So she did what she wanted to do for so long, she let down her barrier. She kissed him

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