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"Come on now girl! Let's have some fun tonight!"

May dragged me by my hand towards the centre of the room, passing through hordes of drunk kids enjoying their latest freedom from the tyrannous society of Syndicate. I tried to keep myself steady between the rush, focusing on the sole way to get back home.
Parties have never been a cup of tea for me.

May was already far from sanity, as she shook her head with a little too much force than the beats themselves. I couldn't break free, as her grip on my wrist tightened with every move I made. She knew I might run away, and she was right. The song changed into a groove, and the lights in the room dimmed lower. The reddish tint on May made her look even more perfect than she ever did. Her closed eyes and swaying head with the beats made me follow her. The music wasn't the least bad. As I felt more comfortable under the shadowy red of the room, I saw the head of one handsome man making his way towards us. My face immediately brightened up with his gaze. "I see the girls living out their life tonight, yeah?" Drew smirked at me. I mirrored him in response. His voice brought May out of her trance, her eyes opening a bit wider for a second. Her face looked even more flushed than a moment ago. Drew's eyes stopped on her, as he took in what he saw. The black shimmery dress she wore hugged her waist, stopping just below the hips. And as she swayed her body with the music, her newly made black curls bounced above her shoulders.

Happy girls are irresistible they say.

As they looked at each other and smirked again, I felt an immediate urge to leave them alone.
Three weeks can do wonders I guess.

"Guys, isn't it a bit stuffy here? Gonna get some fresh air." I turned around to find a door outside, my vision blocked by at least a dozen people.

"You sure you'll be fine alone?" Drew's eyes looked uncertain.

"Why not though? Isn't she the one who ended Amyra's whole queendom?" May grinned proudly as she gave me a pat on the shoulder.

A smile crept on my lips without even realising.

"Yeah, but it's fun babying her, isn't it?" He winked with the words, and lifted his fingers towards a direction.

"You see a door there?"

"Yeah. What about it?"

"That's where you'll get your fresh air."

I slowly made my way through the swaying crowd, reaching the door.
A cool breeze flipped through my hair as I slowly walked out to the garden. The moon was silently shining in the clear night sky, with occasional clouds surrounding the space. A person was sitting on the wooden bench a few metres away, his back faced towards me. But I recognised the black denim jacket right away. The memories of that fateful night flashed across my mind.

Did I cup his face with my hands? Did I really need to embarrass myself to this extent? How am I supposed to face him now!

My hand covered my face with brimming embarrassment, trying to get over the moments.

"Vanessa?" A deep voice snapped my senses back to present. Rio had already seen me, his head turned back at my direction. I let out a nervous smile and went to the bench.
"Hey. Long time no see."

"And whose fault is it?" His eyes looked straight into mine. I tried to hide the shame appearing on my face. These 3 weeks, I had tried my best not to come face-to-face with him, running through hallways which he seldom took. I also went as far as not sitting near him, and not eating at canteen during lunch. Watching my head hung lower with the accusation, he let out a small chuckle. His hand tapped on the space beside him.
"Wanna have a chat?" My eyes snapped at him in surprise. His lips were already crescent with a beautiful smile.
Isn't this the first time he did that for me?
But he did that for Amyra too, didn't he?

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