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He is the one.

The thought brought shivers every time. The truth was hitting my head hard. Yes, I saw those sharp red eyes at my own school. And those belonged to Rio.
From the very beginning, I had this certain feeling, which made me uncomfortable around him. I guess that was my instinct playing subconsciously inside me head.
At canteen, I saw those red eyes. Then, he quickly averted his gaze. My body felt loose. Goosebumps appeared on my arms. Moments passed. I could slightly move when he was gone. My head throbbed with pain.
What the hell's going on?

In the class, I slowly sat at my desk. He had his eyes on his book, which I believe was the Modern History, on which I had to take a test the next period. Shake the bad thoughts off girl. You don't have time for this.
I quickly took my book and started scanning through the pages. Time lapsed as I concentrated on the test.
The last bell rang. Sigh. Now he'll leave. And I'm gonna get some peace of mind.

Rio stood abruptly, which gave me a serious heart attack. He looked at me, gave a nervous half smile, and left. I just sat there, dumbstruck.
Did he forget the incident at lunch?
Or, did he not know?
The shift of his eye colour is involuntary I guess.

And thus, here I am, sitting on my bed, all curled up in the blanket which is too hot to wrap. I double checked the windows and the bedroom doors. Locked and secured. But every now and then, something creaked somewhere, and I winced.


I decided.
I will act as if nothing happened, starting today. I guess that'll help me get over the incident quicker.

I saw Rio sitting at his desk the next day, concentrating entirely on some science magazine. I silently sat at my desk.
Don't look at me.
He turned. Shit.
"Hi." I managed to say, my expression too stiff for normal. He stopped to have another look on me, and then turned again towards his magazine. Phew.

The lunch time was here, and as always, I took my tray and sat beside him, continuing the regular habit. Then again, silence wrapped us. He ate slowly, and I saw that Greek alphabet tattoo on his hand. This was something I was going to ask him before, but that inauspicious event of having the glance of his red eyes made everything go whoosh! from my mind. And here, the query comes again, making every part of my brain itch to ask.
"Hey, where did you get that tattoo done?" Finally.
He shrugs. Duh.
I still look at him intently, pretending that I didn't understand his uneasiness.
"Somewhere which you wouldn't know." He spoke with the most uninterested voice ever.
But this guy doesn't know how much of a professional vex I can be.
"That's not a very convincing answer." I smiled when he looked at me. Irritated enough?
"Why do you care anyway? You don't need one too now, right?"
He smiled as he replied. He was really being normal. But normal was scary.
And I did exactly what he expected me to do.
"I really think that's a cool one though. I can give it a try, don't you think?"
"You won't get it even if you want to."
"Why won't I? I like specialties. So tell me, where do I get it?"
"I got it from the shrine."
Shrine. Which one?
But before asking, the stupid bell rang!
He took his tray and went towards the counter. I saw my plate. Still 90% full. The counter lady will eat me alive if she finds out. Wasting no time, I put the sandwich inside my big mouth and gulped it with water.

You may never know when you get stuck between responsibility and fear. For me, every time I think my life is almost sorted, something creeps into it from the outer space and disturbs the homeostasis.
And that's what happened.

When I was too happy thinking that I know a secret, and now I can keep a safe distance to observe, Mr. Clinton came up with a beautiful nightmare.
"As you all know, for the next science fair, Shirlyn has already made a project with Hanneli and Austin. But to represent this class, another project has to be standing there. So...."
He took a deep breath and exhaled.
"Vanessa, and Rio, you two will work on the second one."

I wish I knew this was just the beginning.

*********ATTENTION PLEASE********

Another chapter is here! Hope you guys enjoy it. Vote and comment your views, that motivates me a lot.
Next chapter is coming soon....so stay tuned(≧▽≦)💜

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