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I woke up on my bed, with Mumma sitting on a chair beside me.

"How do you feel my dear?"
Her voice relieved the anxiousness immediately.

"I'm fine mum, just a little groggy."
My eyelids felt heavier.
She filled in the gaps in my story. So I was en route to my home, and I collapsed due to weakness and cold. Luckily, Emily, a girl in my neighborhood, saw me falling and brought me home. I was grateful to her.
But I didn't mention the things which happened before me fainting on the road.

I'll keep my eyes open.


"A new transfer student will be joining us from today. Take good care of him."

Ms Sterling, our home room teacher, stood across the board and looked intently at the door. The sound of murmuring filled the room. The female voices were predominant, as always.
And then, the most anticipated person entered the room and I recognized him right away.

Oh no no....not that hot demon guy. This person in question was the new neighbor's son, who seemed to have less hemoglobin in his blood. Too pale, and with those ocean blue eyes, too intimidating.
The female voices rose higher and higher, till it sounded like a soccer stadium.

Ms. Sterling gave him a nod to start.
"Hi.... I'm Daniel Lockwood, from Wardington. Nice to meet you all. Let's be good friends with time 'kay?"
The cheeriness in his voice made the girls blush. Even Ruth seemed to be drowning in the flow.

"Jeez, what's so incredible about THIS guy?"
A voice came from behind, and I knew who it was.

"Can't you EVER appreciate a guy, Shirlyn?" An offended girl turned back and blurted.

There she was, the most adorable and smartest girl of our class, Shirlyn Moore. The best class representative in the whole school.
Ms. Sterling asked Daniel to sit beside her and ask her if he ever needed anything. He happily agreed. And his smile became the charm of the room.
Until the door swung open, and we knew who it can be. The guy who is always late.

"For CHRIST'S SAKE, how many times should I tell you to come early!"
The exasperation in Ms. Sterling voice said it all.

"Sorry ma'am." He said, without a tone of regret. As he walked through the chairs, his eyes met mine. I had a furious recollection of yesternight's events.
He gave a little smirk and walked towards his seat far back.

Ma'am spoke with a newly found authority.
"You'll be sitting beside Vanessa from today."
He looked as much surprised as I was.
As if to answer us, she said, "You need to learn a little bit of sincerity from her. You are too lazy for your own good."

"But ma'am, Clara sits beside me. She's on leave today." I tried to make her think twice about this.
"She can sit at his place from tomorrow. She's tall anyway."
That broke the hope.

The Rio guy sat beside me and gave me a sleazy half smile. I managed to keep my composure. As I checked his side profile through my peripheral vision, he looked slightly like that Pine Forest guy.
But I knew one thing.
If anyone is scared, the night plays mind games. And it seemed I never had noticed him much until today. So I gave my running mind a piece of rest and focused on the ongoing class.

I had never thought about what my future with them will behold.

I'm so sorry I couldn't post for the last few days. I have been very busy lately. But your support always help me continue this. I hope you all enjoy this chapter. Your votes and comments are always appreciated.
Stay tuned(◕ᴗ◕)

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