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"Ok .....this is PERFECT!"

I exclaimed as we positioned our 'Mini Transformer' model beside
Shirlyn's one. I saw Rio rehearsing his speech. He had agreed to give the demonstration in front of the judges, and, in turn, I'll have to run that transformer, like switching it on and off, showing its parts, etcetera etcetera. It's like I'm being his assistant, and I don't mind it as long as I don't have to SPEAK ABOUT IT. I'm better off with a MUTE SERVICE. Hehe.


The judges came and listened to Rio's blabbering the whole time, with occasional nodding.
"It's a great model. Keep going!" One of the judges spoke in the end, shaking Rio's hand.
As they moved on to another group, relief flooded through my body.
Hard work paid.

The exhibition opened for public. Rio sat on the nearby chair, and sighed. I had the urge to congratulate and thank him for all the stuff he had done, but stopped myself on the track. If he starts the previous conversation about the weekend DATE... No way! Better keep the distance intact.

I turned towards Shirlyn's project instead. They were showing Hydel power, as a static model. On the side, they had a bottle with apparatus, where they showed the core process of power generation. The project looked simple, yet so progressive. They also mentioned the actual cost of planting such projects in real life, and how the budget can be minimized by simple changes.

Mr. Clinton will be so proud of us.

I was talking to Shirlyn about the report, when I heard her voice.

"Hmm.....nice project Rio!"

I didn't turn. I just knew.

Amyra is here.

But I continued the conversation with Shirlyn.

"You came?"
Rio's voice was filled with surprise.

"I promised, didn't I?"

Oh God! Did he just chuckle?

"So, should I explain how...."
"No! No way! I know it's awesome as hell as long as YOU made it. My precious brain may collapse if you start explaining PHYSICS to me."

"Fine. Explaining is a pain in the ass too you know."

Breaking news to all the resident thoughts of my BRAIN!
Rio has a sense of humor too.

Their conversation made Shirlyn take a peek at them. Then I saw her face. Totally stunned.
Maybe she knows Amyra as a tough call. She's one of the Syndicate after all.
But to my surprise, her stunned face and dilated pupils wasn't for that reason.

"Who is she?" Shirlyn asked.
"She's Amyra." I thought the name may click some of her worst memories, but that didn't help.

I bet she is.

"Yeah...I know." I tried to change the topic, but her eyes didn't waver.

"Rio's SO LUCKY.... isn't he?"
"What's that got to do with luck?"

"That girl must be his girlfriend. The way he is talking to her, see?"

No, I don't want to see.

I turned at them. Rio stood facing her, with an ear-to-ear grin. She's leaned forward, and their heads are too close.

"See? Must be girlfriend. Or ex? Who knows. Never saw Rio THIS happy before though."

GIRLFRIEND. That must be it.

This week's full of surprises, dear.

As the evening approached, I took my bag and headed outside the campus.
I saw Shirlyn standing near the gates.

"I need a favour."
"Go on."
"Tell Rio I'm leaving for home. I have an emergency."
"Okay....but can't you say that yourself?"
Shirlyn's eyebrow raised in doubt.

"You want to help?"
"Yeah but..."
"Then JUST DO WHAT I SAY. No questions please."

"Thanks for helping out."

I sprinted out the gates, without looking back. I didn't want to face him. My mind's swirling like a cartwheel.
Why do I have to be so upset?
I just don't get it.

At home, I sipped my cold orange juice slowly and relaxed. Today was a hectic day.
So much crowd.
So many people to deal with.
So many surprises to ponder on.

I received a mail confirming that our model got selected for the top 10 projects in the Science Fair. Shirlyn's one got selected too.
We made our grade proud of us. I wanted to enjoy this moment, this success so much. But these unwanted lingering thoughts kept disturbing my peaceful mind.
Why do I bother anyway?
Is it because he cared about me....and I believed there can be no one except me?
How much do I know him?
Too less.
Do I want to know more?
Yes. And no.
He is dangerous, yet he calms me down. Makes me feel safe.

But he is a demon.

Am I going insane?
Hell I am.

I closed my eyes forcibly, and waited as my mind switched off its damned buttons.

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