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I had no time in my hand. The other guy was already running with the kid in his arms. I got up and blocked his path.
"Stop right there."
He stopped.

I saw the kid in the guy's arms collapse. At a distance, I saw Amyra clutching a tuft of Dan's hair, and in a second, he fell unconscious on the ground.

What the hell just happened?

I turned around.
The guy tightened his grip on the kid and sprinted at a different direction.

The light drizzle had silently transformed into a heavy downpour. It was hard to focus on people with my vision getting obstructed by the raindrops.
At this rate, he'll get away.
I needed to stop him.

I lifted up my hand, pointing my fingers towards him. I just needed to focus.
The glove could do the rest.
A hint of spark left my fingers, which struck his back.
He stopped. He fell down on his knees with a loud groan and looked back.


My powers, how did it travel the distance?

I darted towards them. The guy was shouting in pain, cussing at me all the time.

"Hand over the kid, or I will take him by force. Do you want more injuries?"

"Shut up, you'll be the one getting killed anyway. Did you forget I wasn't alone here?" His face contorted into a mocking smile.
His eyes were not focused on me this time.

I looked back. Amyra was standing, her eyes brimming with confidence. The mask couldn't hide the smile she had on her face.

"Why don't you go take care of your comrade lying there? He was quite fun to watch, struggling under my eyes."
Her voice was still soft, yet it reeked of maliciousness.

"Finish her off, Chief."

Her eyebrows stitched together.
But nothing happened.

"Chief, hurry up. There's someone coming, we need to get out of here."

She walked towards me slowly, but the sound of a vehicle approaching made her stop.

She quickly went to her partner, helped him get up.

"Why is she still standing? Didn't you use your powers on her?" The guy scoffed.

"I did."

She supported her partner, and looked at me for one more time.

"Who are you?"
Her voice was lower than usual.

It didn't look like she was asking me, more like she asked it to herself.
She didn't stay for an answer, and ran with him, leaving the kid behind.

I went straight to the kid, who was totally drenched by now.
He was still knocked out.

The vehicle rounded around the corner, which was supposedly a motorbike.
Two people came rushing towards me. On a closer look, I recognised them.

"Don't you need to follow them?" I pointed at the direction where the two Syndicates dashed. The sound of another motorbike could be heard, which seemed to speed off to a distance, the echoes fading away.
"No need. Our mission is already done. The kid's in our hands." Ed's voice got clearer as he removed his mask.

Shirley took the kid in her arms, covering him with her own leather jacket.
"By the way, where's Dan?"

Oh no. Dan!

I sprinted in the direction where he had told me to save the kid.
He was lying flat there, his whole body soaked with rain and dirt.
Ed followed me, and quickly lifted Dan in his arms.

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