52 10 13

"Umm.... Vanessa?"
"Yes, what's up?"
"I've bought all the requirements. We can start the work now."
"Any problem?"
"Nope. Well, I'll have lunch now so..."
"Okay okay. Come after that. I'll be waiting then. Bye."
The call disconnected.

Yesterday, I went to Rio's home for discussing the project stuff. Although some really weird sensations overwhelmed me the whole time, I could come back home on time, safe and sound. He actually insisted to walk home with me, since it was night already. But HE was the reason I was scared all along. Being sweet at a time like this. Duh.
But scanning the night outside his gates, I couldn't agree less. He walked with me till my gates and bid a goodbye. I saw his not-so-broad shoulders moving far away inside a layer of mist, until he was gone.

Today, I had made up my mind to come home early, and alone. I was being too sweet with him, allowing him to walk home with me and stuff.
But he said he'll be waiting. That made me kind of, happy.
NO-NO-NO! I can't possibly be HAPPY with that.
He's a demon anyway, trying his best to allure me in his den. And when I'm helpless enough, he'll DEVOUR me inside out.
That won't happen, Rio.
I won't let it happen.


I walked inside his gates slowly. That's when the fragrance of the flowers around caught me off guard. I stopped between those flowers and touched their smooth petals.
"What are you doing, Vanessa?"
I turned at the sound of his voice.
I saw myself amidst his garden, with my two hands hanging on my either sides like a scarecrow, and my body twisted at an angle of a ballerina. The tiptoes were left out though.

My hands quickly came down to their respective sides. Too much embarrassment for the day.

"Nothing. Let's start the project."
I quickly went past him and walked through the door.
He came up behind me.

From the lectures he gave me yesterday, I remembered that we were going to make a mini transformer, and show how it works for long distance transmission of electricity. We planned for using scrap materials for it. He had made a list of the requirements and somehow bought it today before lunch. I don't know how someone can be so enthusiastic to work on weekends. I barely convince myself to come out of my bed to be honest.

The necessary things for the work were arranged on the floor in his room. I kept my bag on the chair, and sat down. He started picking up the materials and cutting them. Then, he brought some screws and nuts. I handed him hammer or cellotapes, whenever needed. Slowly, our project was taking shape. But to be at the stage of working, it'll need a couple of days again.
Someone knocked the door. Mrs. Carlson peeped through the small gap she made at the door.
"Sorry for disturbing. But we're leaving now."
"Hmm hmm. Have a safe trip." Rio said, without averting his eyes from the model.
"You sure you don't want to come?"
"It's a middle-aged party. What will I do there anyway?"
"Bye then. And don't work too much. Keep your limits okay?"
" 'kay mom. Bye."
She waved a bye at me and left.

"You could have joined them. It's not like the project's urgent." I said without much thought.
"I don't like parties."
Bingo! Me too. But saying that out loud may deepen the friendship. So, ditch that. I kept mum.

"I was thinking if you could help me with something." He asked after a long span of silence.
"What is it?"
"Maths. Integrations."
Maths? Are you kidding me? The only subject which gives me NIGHTMARES in daytime?
This is hilarious.
He must be studying for the upcoming test this Monday.

"Fine." I knew the basics of this chapter, and teaching will help me keep the matters afresh too. Thus, I agreed.
He brought the table from the side wall to the centre, as the clutter for the model was already cleared.
He brought the chair, kept it and brought another one from the dining room.
He sat on one, keeping the book and a notebook with a pen on the table. I sat on another chair, adjacent to his one.

"So, where's the doubt?"
He explained that he couldn't understand a bit of those 'definite integrals'. We started discussing 'how to proceed' and 'how to simplify the questions'. Then, I solved three of the questions myself as examples. He remained silent and concentrated on the notebook.
I gave him two more questions to see if he could solve now. He took his pen and started playing with it, his eyes glued to the problems.

My gaze followed his pen to his forehead, where he was scratching with the pen-cap. My attention slowly drifted to his eyes, which shone silvery beneath the light, with a prominent pupil like a cat's. His long, slanted, slightly curved eyelashes made me highly envious. A mole rested on the cheek and another at the side of his lips. Pink lips.
I couldn't help but to notice more of him. He had wore a t-shirt today, a dark blue one with a V-neck. His collarbones peeped out like two smooth ridges on his body, carved beautifully.
How can a person look so aesthetic!

Meanwhile, he had finished the 1st question. I looked at his answer and nodded. Right answer. He picks up things quickly. For the 2nd one, he took his pen again and scratched his head. His head was a tousled mess of black hair, a tuft of it shadowing his eyes as he solves the equation. The contrast of his pale skin and dark outlines left me speechless. Indeed, he was gorgeous.
But this time it's a DEMON.
It's a trap.
A trap I am almost caught in.
Realisation dawned on me too late.
And he was already looking at me, surprised.
Then he took his hand and touched his hair. He must have thought there's something stuck.
To remove the suspicion he'll get later, I took my hand above his head and fortunately got a piece of paper stuck there. I picked it and showed it to him. Then, I threw it away, only to realize my face was just INCHES away from his visage. His eyes met mine.
Oh no. Not again.
I quickly turned towards his notebook. The 2nd answer was right too. I took the pen, and gave a big tick mark on his note, and wrote VERY GOOD near the end. It made him chuckle. I smiled.
"So, it seems you have understood the concept."
He nodded.
"Good. Then I'll leave now. The earlier, the better."
I got up and started packing my things. I saw him take his denim jacket and wear it.
"Err....no need to come with me. I'll go by myself. It's not that late."
I quickly went towards the door.
"I'll come with you. It's dangerous." Rio insisted.
Dangerous? What is he talking about? HE is the one bringing the dangers all along.
"It's OKAY, Rio. You don't have to. I'm not a small kid anyway. I can handle it."
I avoided his eye contact and opened the front door. He walked until the gates.
"You sure about going alone?"
"Bye then. Take care. And text me when you reach home."
Is he being a parent now? Duh.

I was past his street when I realized the locality was eerily silent. I started walking faster. Doubts brimmed in my mind. Maybe coming alone wasn't such a good idea. But walking alone is better than walking with a cold-blooded demon right?
I looked behind me.
No one.
No Rio.
I increased my pace.
The feeling of being followed overwhelmed me, though I couldn't notice anyone.
My heart throbbed louder. Sweat skimmed over my body.
Then I heard someone giggling. A girl.
I turned around. No one.
I focused on the road. No turning back.

"So YOU are the girl. SO AVERAGE."
The voice came from the back. I had to turn around again.
Two people were standing in the dark. They walked towards me, revealing their unknown faces.

Deep down, I knew it. This is NOT going to be a nice encounter AT ALL.

********ATTENTION PLEASE*********

This was a LONG chapter. I know.
Thanks to all for reading this patiently. Do vote and comment💜
And stay TUNED (≧▽≦)

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