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"We're here."

The bus stop looked extremely desolate, with occasional breezes swaying our hair. Drew had picked us up from our houses around 11, driving the car with lightning speed down the road.

He parked the car behind a roadside store.
As we got out, chilling winds hit us hard. I hugged the denim jacket tightly, walking towards the other two.

It was difficult to read their expressions, as all our faces were hidden behind black masks.

"Guys, shall we start then?" Drew's muffled voice broke the silence.

"Yeah." May and I spoke together.

May took the lead, with us trailing her within a few steps. A few minutes later, the large gates and lights could be seen from the corner.

May stopped on her tracks.

"We need to disable the cams."

"The cams are here? The gates are still pretty far away don't you think?" Drew asked.

"Yeah, but there's a cam or two on the road too. It's best if we could destroy them." She moved her eyes around, and pointed out at a tree.

"There's a cam on it."

"Geez that's a high branch."

"I'll go destroy it." May started to walk towards the tree.

"Wait!" I stood in front of her.


"If you climb up, the rustling might bring attention. Also, isn't it too high? If you slip and fall, we'll be doomed." I said, my eyes wandering over the tree.

"So, what else do you suggest?" May looked at me intently.

"It's a cam, so there must be wires connecting it to the mansion right? We can destroy that instead. You don't need to climb up."

"Oh... I guess that left my mind just now. So, how do we find the wires here?"

"Let's search around."

We all crouched down around the base of the tree, and used phone flashlights to find the wires. My hand fumbled on the grasses till my fingers touched something plastic.

It was a wire, as thick as the little finger.

"I guess we just need to cut it."

May held out a knife out of her jacket.

"Let me do it."

"No." Drew spoke after a long time.

"What now? Can't I cut it?"

"Nope. You might get a shock."

Saying that, he took the knife and handed it over to me.
"You do it . You have a way with electricity, don't you?" He showed me a confident smile.

I nodded and took the knife.

As soon as I cut it, sparks flew through the wires, reaching my gloves. But it didn't hurt me.

"That's what I was talking about." Saying that, Drew stood up.

I threw the wires and walked with both of them again. There were two more such cameras, which we found out and destroyed.
The gates stood just a few steps away.

May glanced around, walking slowly towards the gate. After a while, she turned around to face us.

"There are two guards, and cams. We can't do anything about the cams here, the wires are all plastered inside the walls, dug under the ground and connected to the main control room. It'll be a waste searching them. I'll handle the guards. Don't come unless I give you a signal."

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