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"R u home now?"
Dan's text popped up on the phone screen.

"Yeah." I replied.
A few minutes later, our doorbell rang.

Dan entered my room, with a small black box in his hand.

"Don't hey me. Where were you all the time? With Rio?"
"Yeah.. he took me to meet his Grandpa."
"Oh. And that gold chain, he gave that to you? Seems too expensive."
"Right? I told Grandpa not to, but he was determined."

He sat beside me on the bed.
"This, this is what I could think of as your gift."
Dan didn't look in my eyes as he stuffed the box in my hand.

I felt the surface of the box with my fingers, the matt black finish with a grey satin ribbon holding the two cardboard parts altogether.

"Just open it already." His curiosity to see my reaction was evident with the rush in his words.
I quickly untied the ribbon to open the box. A pair of black gloves sat on the white cushion inside. The fabric was intricately designed, making it elegant and alluring at the same time.
I lifted the gloves and felt them in my hands. Those gave me a feeling of assurance and comfort after so many days.
"Thanks Dan. These are beautiful."

"Not just beautiful. These can protect you."
"Yes. The stitched patterns on it are done using a single thread, which absorbs your inconsistent powers and diverts it in the exact direction you want, regulating the intensity of its flow. The next time you use your powers, wear these."

"Where did you even find something like this?" I was more than surprised this time.

"These are customised. I have a friend who can enchant certain materials, in this case, the thread used for the design."

He had put a lot of effort for this gift, and I felt blessed to have such a person in my life.

"Thanks a lot, Dan, I mean it."
"Mention not." He winked.
He got up from the bed.

"Time to go. Call me if you need anything, okay?"
"Yeah. Sure."

"Good night girl."

I wore the gloves, and tried to feel my powers through it. The soft fabric instantly brought a serene calm inside me. I realised I was too tired and needed to sleep.
I woke up the next day with the gloves still on.


"So, how did your birthday go?"
Rio sat beside me, his eyes skimming over the book he opened on his desk.

"Usual stuff."
"No parties?"
His eyes turned on me.
"Nope. Mum baked a cake. Papa gave me a new pair of headphones. And..."
I didn't want to say about Dan's gift.

"And that's it. Nothing more."

The teacher had already started taking his class, so I kept silent.

When the class ended, I felt his eyes on me again.
"You might have heard the news about teenagers getting kidnapped recently?"
I recalled my parents talking about it at the breakfast table.

"Yes. What about it?"
"Stay at home after dinner. Don't go out no matter what."
"Ehh? The people getting kidnapped are all early teens. I'm not that young to get fooled."
"I know."
Saying that, he left the class. I stood up and went to the door but he vanished in the crowd outside.


It was around midnight. The air was cool due to light intermittent rains, and I snuggled in my comforter, trying to sleep with the sounds of the raindrops hitting the roof. It gave me a jerk when my phone started vibrating all of a sudden.

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